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Heya people!

In the previous exclusive dev update I've shown you guys all the assets I'd made for the first boss fight of the game. But I've been hard at work the last two days and there have been some additions and changes... So in this exclusive dev update of No escape: Game edition! we'll talk some more about the first boss battle of the game: The "fight" against the ancient priestess Memtikhet, or as her handmaidens call her: GODDESS. It was missing from V0.15 due to time constraints, so my first objective is getting that boss fight into the game. ^^

At the start of the game Kathleen gets her catsuit and energy blades, and with those she's on par with most "basic" enemies. Unfortunately the ancient priestess is a "boss" enemy, and the makers of the VR-simulation seem to take that term very seriously... Making the ancient priestess a bit overpowered. How overpowered you ask? Well imagine an ant vs a M1 Abram, that's basically the power difference between Kathleen and Memtikhet. :')

So how do you beat her? That's easy: You don't. Or well you kinda do. The goal of the battle is to survive, meaning that if you can hold on long enough you'll eventually "win", and Memtikhet will allow you continue deeper into the tomb (towards the breach room and tying into the story already present in V0.15).

To make sure the fight stays interesting (as it will be a long one) the ancient priestess has a few tricks up her sleeve... Three to be exact! Instead of only one status she can inflict three statuses; each with their own debuff. Furthermore, these statuses can stack, meaning that if you don't deal with them quickly they can easily overwelm you. The priestess can also summon a rubber sarcophagus that will try and capture you, so keep an eye on the SP meter as you don't want it to run out!

For all of you on Tier III: The ETA for the next playable update of the game is next week. It will contain the entire boss fight itself together with some fun dialogue with the priestess before the fight. For you guys at Tier II: You'll get your hands on the update 3 weeks after the release for Tier III. Attached images are 3 of the 7 possible status combinations during the fight. Fun fact: Those golden scarabs are actually nipple vibrators... That priestess is one kinky woman huh? ;)





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