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You've heard this before but I'll say it again: expect nothing this month. If I somehow eek out anything we'll all be lucky. I'll put the warning out now if you want to save your money from supporting this account for a month or two to do so. No complaints from me on that. Our lead at work is overseas, so now I'm the lead. I'm on 12-hour shifts/6 days a week. It's brutal. My back is killing me and it's day 3 (the misery ends after Thanksgiving). You'd think making $80k/year doing this would make this worth it but it doesn't feel like it. Makes me remember a few fleeting happy moments making $9/hour with little accountability. I'm toying with my new model but that's not getting a full session until I go through the tests. If I do something, it'll be anon. *not me in pic




I feel that so hard brother, im thinking of quitting my job bc i work 4pm to 4am, and i think back to when i was working for 11$/hr 30 hrs a week, barely had enough to survive, but the freedom was unmatched. I miss it so much. But the economy is soo shit that ppl have to work 60 + hours a week just to survive . We're forced to choose between freedom and survival. It truly sucks


That's the thing, work to live or sacrifice our time to work. That's not living. That's thriving in labour. We don't win any prizes for leaving a wrecked body behind


thats rough be safe out there and take care of your self. I quit the industry I went to college for and got a union job working for the state. It was the best thing I ever did.