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Hi, HCs. I'm sorry nothing's ready in October. I got a model I wanted complete, I just need to get her transferred. Then I put some stuff to the stage but nothing's come of them yet. Having recently received a bonus and a large salary increase at work, I have to give that part of my life priority. Another thing is that I need to start studying my math again for a test I need to take. In order to transition to a higher level I have to prove it beyond doing my job. I don't make the rules :( Haven't touched any of the math they're requiring since university (8 years ago) so I'm not too happy. But the pay and benefits are ridiculous so it's worth taking a shot. That'll be a couple months minimum of brushing up on what I need to learn. I want to give a warning that November might be much of the same (as in nothing), so if you want to hold back on paid support I fully understand. Keep that saved in case you want to get yourself or someone else a holiday gift within the next couple of months. To the person that brought the SFM archive to my attention, I remember that I need to fix one of the links. I haven't forgotten. I'll preview some headshots of the model I intend on using down the road. One of my favs (she's in the pic above).



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