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* in case anyone is puzzled, no this isn't scat themed. No one is taking shits on anyone. I've been working on this anon-themed pic for a couple weeks now. By the end of every week, my hands / wrists are destroyed from my day job, so progress is very slow and my weekends are normally for watching UFC + NFL. I did want to go back to doing anon stuff, and I believe I found decent models to make it worth it. It's a shota pic, naturally, and one that feels like a breeze compared to forcing myself into uncreative poses. If you're expecting a penetration shot, you'll be disappointed. But from what you can see, you know exactly what's going on (no, they're not taking shits on them lol). I'm certain I'm done, I only need a few minor tweaks here and there. It's time-consuming having to render and then go back and re-render certain parts (sunglasses elevation, hair strands, etc). But that's part of the hobby, anyone doing 3D will tell you that. There are many more of these types of models I've wanted to try out for months. I'll try to get to them as much as time and health will allow.



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