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Hello. I let the days go by before posting since I had barely anything substantial to show after the pitfall I got into. I have since decided that my mind is not in the right place to tweak a pose for an alternate shot and thus am moving on to the next one. This time it's a face-sit from two angles. I want to start taking clothing off. Showing some boob, showing some peen, and taking this to the next logical step. I'm considering taking the pants off of Lexi since it's not needed. Or it won't be where this is going. I have a few more tweaks to do on it (somewhere between 5-10 adjustments needed) before rolling out a proper render. The major parts of it are done. That dead space in the top-right is where the behind angle will be. That angle will require extra adjustments to look right since a proper shot from the main camera view doesn't mean it's appropriate for a different camera view. You'll get more updates later. I have to go to work this Saturday so getting ahead on this pic is out of the question. I squeeze in what I can with the 3-4 hours of free time I'm given after coming home. Thanks for those of you getting on the paid plan. You give me copium even with the little content I eke out.




Take your time dude, I've never been disappointed with my expectations. Good luck with your work