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Hi, HCs. After a much longer than normal wait for a simple pic, I buckled down and finished the final tweaks I needed before rendering. I felt like I was back in school, in that I turned something I could have done in a couple of days into a two-week holdover. That didn't work back in middle / high school (I was a really poor student). The total opposite in university - some of my best work was after procrastinating, down to a minute before turning it in. I was a pretty great student. Don't know how that happened. But it wasn't totally necessary this time seeing as how this pose was practically done 3 days in. That's how mood, timing, priorities, and health keep pushing it back. I made one regular and another with a redder face, seeing as how here thick legs are squeezing the shota out of him. Anyway, I hope you guys dig it. It's SFW, kinda, and I think I'll try an alternate pose. If I feel like it's not going right I'll just move on to the next pose. I want to say it shouldn't take me a long time either, but after how long this one panned out, I'm not promising anything.




Excellent, I love this scene, the little kid seems to be drooling; I hope she'll be a little nicer with it later. Thank you again for discovering the film Womb, I didn't know, I loved it.


I appreciate the compliments! And yes, Womb is super niche so anyone that enjoys it is on the same wavelength as me when it comes to that kind of storytelling. ~~