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Hi, Hardcores. I spent the day rendering out pieces of the pose I'm doing. It'll be the first pose of many (read: a few). After a few poses, this is the first one that got to the finish line. Now that I know this can be a real thing, I'll do the post-edits and focus on the next pose. I went ahead and also reduced her makeup (primarily the mascara) since in a gym scenario it's practically useless. From what I've seen, just about all of her workout footage is little-to-no makeup whatsoever. I can be a bit looser on the expressions if I need to be. I'm trying to make it so that for Lexi, this is pretty effortless. She's a pretty face, but also far tougher than this lad. Progress will be rather slow since I don't have any days off and hours will keep me out of the house well into the afternoon. Let's keep patience intact and expectations tempered, for both our sakes.



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