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This session is over. It's either the best-worst attempt or the worst-best attempt at recreating Selene for 3D porn. I'll let you guys be the judge of that. I've stared and worked on that face for so long I don't even recognize what I'm looking at anymore. The biggest thing I wish I could have altered was the hair, but it would have cost facial resemblance by borking the color and shape. Compromises, am I right? There are clothed and nude versions in both default (warm) and Underworld (UW / cold) lighting. Pick your poison. With this in the bag, I'll be moving on from Kate. She's a treat and I do want to revisit her down the road sometime. but that's enough of one woman for +5 months. I'll be shifting gears toward a girl who's a good 30 years younger. You'll know soon enough if you haven't figured it out already. Clothed https://files.catbox.moe/buul0i.jpg Nude https://files.catbox.moe/51wmqh.jpg Clothed (UW) https://files.catbox.moe/bff12j.jpg Nude (UW) https://files.catbox.moe/5pkszu.jpg




This looks cleannnnn. Well done dude.


Very cool ! ^^