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Hello, everyone. I'm sitting here on a snowy, Tuesday night. Wrist brace on one arm and muscle relaxers to help with back muscle tension making sleep and sitting difficult. I've thought about what I did starting last year and what's been accomplished since, both IRL and online. I went from unemployed to a high-paying, stable job. My 3D presence was as alive as a hollow from Dark Souls, which has since turned around (and flamed out, more on that later). Life was going nowhere, unlike now where there's renewed purpose and direction. There's a lot to be thankful for, and I'm hoping you all could say the same about any positive changes in your life. When things change, you have to adapt accordingly. This is why for 2022, I will still be on Pixiv. That part's the same. The difference is my level of activity here. You can no doubt see since September it's been very, very little activity. The nature of my job doesn't allow for a whole lot of 3D time, and hand usage is critical in doing both my job and 3D. But posting every day or other day is most likely not gonna happen unless I'm digging my heels in a session with constant updates. To accommodate, I'll be lowering the payment plan for the Hardcores tier from ¥500 to ¥300. There's no sense charging you more for less content. I started it at ¥500 with the aim of supporting myself here, but my new job has me making so much money that ¥500 is no longer necessary. Still, a little incentive to do 3D is always nice, so the paid tier will stay. I encourage you if you plan on going paid tier to use the ¥300, as it comes with the same rewards as ¥500 (just cheaper). I'll delete ¥500 Plan come next month. That's the gist of the news that I have for now. 2022 is in a couple days and by now you know to stick it out. Two of you have been pledgers since back in February, mad props to you two guys. To those who've been here, fans and followers, many thanks. Unfortunately, I don't have any major year-end post with stats and fanfare. Just a quiet goodbye to 2021.




I wish you a Happy New Year and a few more relaxing days between the years. I am pleased that you are doing better, at least financially. Especially in times of Corona and the resulting job insecurities, this cannot be taken for granted. Stay healthy (as much as possible). We hope to see you in the New Year. It would please me.