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* Looking for SFM archive? See this post: https://ozzy3d.fanbox.cc/posts/2398832 This is all of the completed (non-WIP or teaser) Daz works that I've uploaded on Pixiv on this account, except now there are no watermarks. Please don't release this to anyone or anywhere else. You'd be screwing yourselves over. You paid, therefore this is something I want to do for you as fans. If you're interested, I have two versions (you only need to get 1): Version 1: The full archive to date (for anyone who didn't already DL it). Version 2: If you already DL'd the archive before, the second link is just the additional pics since the last update. Saves you the time of dealing with duplicates. Obvious filler is obvious. I have an archive update of primarily older pictures from 2 sets. One from an MMA session that really shows its age by how poorly done it is, and another from a botched Pokémon-inspired series that was during a period of time where I attempted to satisfy patreon-patrons and my true calling of, well, rule-breaking stuff - nobody won. Next week is Thanksgiving, but don't get too excited. I'm probably going to be working on Thanksgiving Day, and if my luck runs out I'll be going to work the day after as well (which is an observed holiday). The pay will be triple what I'm getting, which I mean damn, hard to blame me for turning it down. Will keep you posted on any actual updates related to new content. Thanks for hanging in there.



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