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Hello, Hardcores. I've come to drop some WIPs on you. I spent most of yesterday and essentially all of today making and tweaking two variants of one session: Masha young and Masha old. Two stages of beauty for this wonderful lady. It's an anal POV shot and it'll just be the two up top. I haven't exactly tested any other scenarios out since this was the original vision I had two weeks ago. If you remember, it was simply this pose with no other items in the scene. That's how I started it; this is how I'm ending it. Rendering these out would have been a problem because of noise. This was the same issue I had with the Keira Knightley scenes before. However, I found a workaround with Daz that allowed me to bypass the horridness of having to manually edit out each grain and not see a noticeable decrease in sharpness. Out with the old method, in with the new. If all goes well in post-processing, these pics will be released tomorrow.



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