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* link at bottom of this post Arrrrrrr! I'm on time! I got the second picture done. I think it turned out nicely, with more than one beautiful view to look at. This time there's visible insertion, so anyone who absolutely needs to see it now can. I'll release the pic on the main page sometime this week. With that, I'm concluding using Keira for the time being. The model is great; it's this pirate format that's killing my render times (and probably took a year off my CPU's lifespan). If I use her again, it'll be something modern or in a different historical setting. She's too good to pass up. Currently, I'm tweaking a loli model that was somewhat part of the 1st wave of models I acquired last month. She was the last one commissioned and wasn't available by the time I made that big post. I think she's mostly ready for previewing here. Her practical use will be limited to specific scenarios. You'll know why when you see her. In general, though, I'm not exactly sure what to do next. Having an archive update is one thing that'll happen (tomorrow). But as to who or what other thing I do, I don't know. My workplace is going to get pretty busy again so I have to anticipate more efforts spent there than here. Expect posts like Immersion Breakers or something to sort of hold you over unless I announce a short break. I'll know more this coming week. Thanks and enjoy... Uncensored: https://files.catbox.moe/zmxldx.jpg




Can't remember if I already said it, but I will say it again. Your work is fantastic Ozzy, I remember stumbling across it all the way back during your tumblr days I think and being awestruck at your skills and I can firmly state that you have only gotten better since. I also really love that you are one of the few artists who make straight shota content featuring celebrities. I can only imagine the work required to make those models. Anyway, just wanted to drop by and say that I am a big fan and hope you will continue to make great art. Another fantastic piece by you!


Wow, thank you for the praise. Things do change as time goes on and I'm glad I have an audience that still remembered me. I'm pretty niche and there are many who make art way beyond my skill level, but their situation and evolution are different than mine. And yes, the celeb angle is one I've wanted to do for a long time. Much appreciated for the compliments.


This is amazing. However. The genital pubic area looks fuzzy. It would be over the top if you could just see her a little sharper and with more pubic hair. She would not shave on a pirate ship lol


Good constructive criticism. I thought about giving her a giant bush, but the render times were already a bitch to deal with. Most of her pubes are on her front, which is obscured. Plus this is ain't real pirates, this is Disney pirates - she'd at least keep it neat ;)