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Hello, Hardcores. This is a weekend I've been anticipating. I've got a lot of tests and tweaks to do cause I've got some women to play with. I've been talking about celebs that I've wanted to get my hands on, and they've been trickling in over the past couple of days. Pictured is who they are: Amy Adams Brie Larson Scarjo Keira Knightley Felicity Jones They are the 1st wave. There will be a 2nd wave, 3rd wave, 4th, and so on. I only have a list of who I want next for the 2nd wave, but the commission order has not been placed yet. And I know for sure the porting list is going to take forever so there's no particular rush unless I plan on dropping some money on it to skip the line. They have to be sculpted in ZBrush, transfered to Blender, and then ported to Daz - none of this is done by me. I'm just the end-user who's commissioning them. I have to do what I can to retain whatever likeness I'm able to attain in the first place once it's in my hands. So don't expect 100% dead-on accuracy - I don't have Hideo Kojima resources to get my favorites to do this for me. We're talking passing through a few engines before I get to it, at which point I'm getting it to a passable state. I'm stopping short of saying that these are the most accurate models you'll be seeing in all of 3D porn-dom. But damnit, it's the best we got. Preview pics will come tomorrow as to how the ones I currently have look.



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