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Summer is kicking my ass. Working overtime 6 days a week, mentally drained, stalled session, lack of short-term maneuvering, sore neck (and fingers, hands, legs, back, etc) and now I'm sitting in a scorching heat dome that has my entire state doomed for the next few days. There's no end to it. When I said things wouldn't get to normal until mid-July, I meant that in jest. Now it seems like that's the reality of the situation. I put in PTO for after July 20th. I don't want to sit here doing nothing until then but god damn it isn't easy. I'll see if I can get anything done. Be warned - I'm sweating my ass off sitting here just typing this, and I'm in my boxers with a fan directly on me... ...aka how I did my stuff in Korea during that summer, as well. FWIW, enjoy the sorta SFW picture (fact: it's from 2018... December 2018). Yeah, I forgot the oil, but I guess I was too busy wanting to escape winter when I made it. Now I can't wait for December.




Waiting for December and sweating while doing so, you are probably not alone. I always tell myself in such situations that there are enough other people who are feeling much worse than me at the moment. And suddenly my situation is far less unpleasant.


Oh for sure. Obviously what I'm dealing with are 1st world problems. The bigger picture is that I'm supporting myself financially and in the best situation of the past 5 years of my life. My complaints aren't so bad when I think about it in that regard.


Where is the rest of these posts?


What do you mean? Like where am I posting my works? You can find the link here for the two archives: https://ozzy3d.fanbox.cc/posts/3012837