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Today's update: nothing. spent time mostly relaxing, watching porn, and preparing for a week of household occupation. Working full-time fucking sucks and it always will. I have no one to blame except myself for what led me to this point. As easy as it might be to dump the session and move to something simpler, it would probably put me at square one - staring right back at the same issue. I'm not giving up on this session or this character / celeb. I know I can do it. So for you guys it might look like absolutely nothing's been done for days (almost a week). On my end it's more like: try this, then try this, then try this, none of it works. Next day: start over, try this, and this, and this, start over. Next day: try this, this, that, nothing.




Don't beat yourself over it Ozzy, life has a way of getting in our way. It's understandable. Please take your time, I'm sure whatever end result you get will be worth it!


Dude, you sound like me! :-) Don't worry about it. Maybe just set it aside and try something else then come back to it when you're inspired again?