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Hello, hardcores. I went through some tests today deepfaking 3d models again (time-consuming and mostly useless, as expected). So I turned my attention toward models that are actually based on someone. I had actually started with Ellie from TLOU, who I've wanted to do after so long, but gravitated toward Jodie Holmes. Her original model, as you can see above, is not very appealing. Like seriously, the morph is fucking ugly and she certainly doesn't look that bad in the game, from what screenshots I've seen. Knowing I could clean her up, I went ahead and did just that. I separated her head morph from her body morph to keep the face but ditch that bro-body, then cleaned up her surfaces. I even did a de-aged test to see if it could be done. A few other tweaks and BAM - she looks fappable now. I forgot how cute Ellen Page used to be. After cleaning her up, I feel I must put her in one of my sessions. I don't have any idea what kind of scenario that will be, how many participants, etc. I just know I want to focus on her getting done by me. It could be more than one pic, dunno. Before I get to that, I need to let you guys know again that I'll be having family over this coming week. They'll be here for a while. So on top of having to go to my day job, I'll be dealing with them in my home, which means progress will be very slow. I'll provide updates during that time, as well as old pictures that you may not have seen before. So I won't be going totally silent - you'll want check here once a day.



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