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We now come to that period of time when I'll be taking a break again. This time until Friday so I can focus on my day job and help my hands recover. This last Sonya session was done during the workweek which made it tiring going back and forth. This'll give me enough time to let my hands rest up completely be jumping into another 3d session (unless something absolutely pressing requires me to come back sooner). Speaking of which, you're seeing another picture under the calendar. That is a newly acquired Black Widow model that I'm toying around with. I was clued in by a follower that another user had tweaked her to his liking, so I contacted him and he was very willing to share her with me. Kudos to that guy. His name is ProneToClone (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/33495843) and I didn't expect him to be so generous (I'm not so kind when it comes to sharing models). I don't know if she'll be my next target. I have other session ideas I want to consider first. We'll see. Otherwise, thanks for supporting me, everyone. My priorities are in my daily life, but if this hobby reaches anywhere near the height it did for me back in 2015/2016 then I could seriously see myself focus on this full time. Not quite ready for that or commissions at this time. I thank you for your continued support. See you Friday...




I hope you do a lot of pictures with her