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≫【日本語】大人はみんな逆らえない 完結編-4

≫【English】ALL ADULTS CAN'T DISOBEY The Final Season-4

≫【中文(简体)】ALL ADULTS CAN'T DISOBEY The Final Season-4





I am kinda of puzzled at page 3 Is the No from Yuto's Dad? So he snapped out of Hypnosis for a brief second to push his son out...hmmmmmm, I wonder what will happen next 🤔 Challenge commences 😁 This would be 1 out of 3


Really need more😍😍😿😿


I hope it ends well


I don't really want anyone to die🥺


Your interpretation is correct. If I upload once a week, I'll reach my goal with plenty of time to spare✌️


I was kinda hoping for more backstory and sexy stuff Lol 🤣 Rooting for you to fulfil the challenge


Looking forward to the next sentence, I'm so excited. Hurry up and punish dad.


Yes! Please make it a good ending for Oma. All three of the muscle men must be punished and must always be Oma's muscle pets. I would really like to see all muscle studs from delicious angles. The football gear is really erotic and it would be nice to be able to see all angles of the father and his muscles as well as cock and balls. Please sensei!




I hope not And also I hope it's not an open ending as well


https://youtu.be/DLvIFRNbqOs?t=23 I wanted to express this kind of description but couldn't do it well. I'm sorry it's not easy to understand.


It's difficult because everyone has a different development they'd like to see like this. In the meantime, at this stage, I am assuming the "merry bad ending" that is relatively favored in Japanese erotic manga.


I am constantly working to improve my ability to draw from various angles 💪✨


Ohhh the Gollum split personality scene It's slightly hard on manga Perhaps a darker background for the more slave side or a two person facing dialogue Gambate! But the update is great though just that I was hoping for more backstory or sexiness Lol 🤣 Just curious, roughly how many pages is this finale going to have?


Let oma win please


Dad ought to punished. But is no fun punishing a martyr. No 👎 Punishment is meant as punishment.


God only knows how many pages it will ultimately be, but it will inevitably be a good deal, since it will be necessary to describe the treatment of Yuto and Coach Kirishima, respectively.


I don't mean to downplay the ending, but since the main focus of the comic is on MC, the emphasis is actually on how MC-oriented and exciting the process can be.


In the current situation, I believe that the punishment for Yuto and his father would be for Yuto's father to receive a punishment or humiliation that he perceives as a punishment, or for Yuto to feel a shock of equivalent magnitude.


I just hope the mini parts pages don't span months


Will this season be the last for this series?


Yes. While there is a possibility of writing extra chapters or spin-offs, I am considering wrapping it up properly as continuing indefinitely may risk boring the readers.

Alex Rillian

A good time to read this since it's Father's Day! Hope to see more soon!❤️


I honestly hope that everyone has "happy ending", yes, I prefer "happy endings".. oma included


Reasonable and ans very understandable. Then I have a selfish wish. Please make it extra long sex and brainwashing parts. Please dont end with happy ending where all brainwashing effort gone to waste. Just so lane to do that in brainwashing genre.


It's a dark Father's Day. I'm steadily drawing the rest of the story every day.


I am currently in a state of strategically laying the groundwork, akin to loading gunpowder, to heighten the portrayal of brainwashing and sexual encounters planned for the latter half. I'll keep your request in the corner of my mind.


It's fascinating how opinions on the ending diverge in such intriguing ways. Contemplating a universally happy ending for everyone... I'll give it some thought.




Yes, a "happy ending", please do mind the quote marks.