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So 5 days early, I think I may use 15th for the 1500 tier now, testing it out.

Anyway Fanbox 18 is in the 1500 tier folder for download and enjoyment.

Don't forget when you load my scenes to click "allow" when it asks about plugins. It may ask you also about enabling plugins on the security page, do that and reload the scene for it to work properly.

Use this link to go to the folder post. I only use one post because when I have to update links I can just update that one instead of 30+

1500 Elite Tier Access Links + Models

https://mega.nz/folder/wkJHXC7K#60srho-C9Aqdedefid7Byw Any problems, please message me. password is always my username. spike4379 The reshade files password is secretsauce For usage of the reshade files and its password go here, this is the post I made for those files at the time and a usage guid...

A preview of this has been added into the 250 tier animations folder for your viewing.

named fanbox18 Sarah Fmachine.





Just checking . Is there a video of this cover photo because either I'm having trouble getting the file or I'm not seeing it