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I just have some things that have been going on, as I promised there will be a fanbox release every month. I may try and get a new animation out, I have it all posed which would make three releases ready, so maybe ill drop two extra in december!

I have some commissions that take up a lot of time which kind of weighs on me mentally because it means I'm taken away from putting stuff out for you guys.

Bare with me friends.

P.S My time is usually forced to weekends for any animations :(



I don't really use the scenes you release, but its not why I pledged anyway. Love the Sarah stuff you do though <3 You might've given me a braces fetish, lol.


I want to dig into VM next month, if things go well. I cant wait. Just have fun, creating something you enjoy. For me I am still amazed by the dances, so good


Haha fantastic! I really do love the braces on sarah and dakota, something extra cute imo


it can definitely be a fun experience to watch thats for sure, pretty damn cute and hot