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コギトさんのリメイクで、いつも描いている陸上部女子の足裏のイラストです。 ずいぶん前にお題箱にいただいていた、「陸上部の臭い責めの白ハイソックスverがどうしても見たいです。あとソックス自体の汚れはなしで、足裏だけ汚れてる感じの作品とかも見てみたいです。」 というリクエストをLuminaさんのイラストを見て思い出しましたので描かせていただきました。 This is an illustration of the sole of a track and field girl's foot that I always draw in Cogita's remake. I really want to see the white high socks version of the athletics club's stinky blame, which I received in the subject box a long time ago. I would also like to see a work in which the socks themselves are not dirty, but only the soles are. I remembered this request when I saw Lumina's illustration, so I drew it.



b 27

Absolutely intoxicating! I've always loved your track and field girl OC, now to see her with such incredible POV and detailed smelly socks completely blows me away! Your artwork has gotten so good! 😤😤🥵💗