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The hacker completely destroyed my account to the point I can't even turn in a support ticket anymore. Mimps' server and the account are dead.

How I got hacked was simple, a client I had done business with and trusted apparently got hacked themselves and asked me to review a game they and some friends were working on, looking for feedback. I was convinced well enough to fall into the trap. The client was Infernal_dalek so if they contact you, they were also infilitrated by the hacker. I trusted them because they had previously commissioned me as well as sponsored some of my previous works. I had little reason to be skeptical when I should have.

I admit my ignorance, I had never heard of this scam until today but it's been an issue on discord for 3 years.

So let me make the warning now: If anyone is acting strange and asking you to review a game and download a file from MEGA, do not download it, it WILL steal your discord.

So what do we do now? We rebuild.

Mimps I believe is completely lost, but I still have everything else. Right now I'm reformatting the hard drive and reinstalling windows on my desktop which will lose all my core programs, but my artwork is backed up and saved.

This is to wipe clean any remaining malware or keyloggers that might still be on there.

I'll get everything running again as soon possible.


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