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Sorry about the confusion with the last post. I schedule my posts in advance, and I use SFW placeholders (usually random images) to remind me wich posts I should update.

Im sorry for the lack of posts this week. I been re-censoring some pictures that Fanbox suspended (Most of them were Elliot pieces I was super proud of) these pics were re-submited for review, so we should be able to enjoy them soon.

(Im gonna post a very lewd piece tomorrow, as compensation)

This whole censoring thing's been a pain in the neck to me, and because of that I been considering moving to Subscribestar!

These are exciting news because I'll be able to post the type of artwork I posts here without the censoring limitations, but before you start celebrating, keep in mind Subscribestar requiere extra steps for non US banks, so there's gonna be some burocracy before I can safely assume I have a place for uncensored shota content.

In the meantime, thank you so much for supporting my creativity! This keeps me motivated to keep creating :)

I'll keep posting here in Fanbox, both artwork and updates about what was mentioned before. Stay safe!



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