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I'm sorry for not posting content during this time because my family was ill, and I've been taking care of her for these days. So, I haven't had much time to focus on this side. I'd like to update everyone on the current progress. Tomorrow, I will be sending out the bonus rewards for November and December. The long work for this month is Judy Halloween 4, and it will be updated either this weekend or early next week. However, the length might be shorter than usual.

I hope you understand!

很抱歉这段时间没有发内容,因为家人生病了,一直在照顾,所以没什么功夫看这边。这里跟大家说一下目前的进度,明天我会同时发送11和12月份的额外奖励,这个月的长篇是Judy Halloween 4,会在这周末或者下周初更新,不过可能篇幅会比平时短一些,希望大家理解!



Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they're doing better.


uugh( better have it next week but make it long


even end of the next week is ok imao, but long stories are much better than short ones


Come on, have some sympathy? Is it really that hard to be a respecting human?

