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  • Atohs PV v3.mp4
  • Atohs Char Only.mp4
  • Summon Enter.mp4
  • Summon Idle.mp4



Atohs | #BOF:NT

⚛️Music: Ice (@ice_loki)

⚛️Movie: Sand Suna (@sandsuna__)

We poured > a year working on this entry, please check it out! (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ)



Assets | 素材

⚛️Key visual


⚛️20 second promotional video


Atohs PV v3

⚛️Game rule / setting

⚛️遊戲規則 / 設定

⚛️Part of the graphic design elements


⚛️Part of the boss animations


Atohs Char Only

Summon Enter

Summon Idle

⚛️There are easter eggs in the main video, good luck ( 'ω')👌

⚛️主影片中有藏彩蛋,加油啊( 'ω')👌

Afterword | 後記


The song for this project originated as a birthday present Ice (@ice_loki) gave me last year. We kept building on top of it, to the point where it’s the biggest project either of us has ever made in our career. Our goal is to get both the song and the arts into as many rhythm games as possible(。ò ∀ ó。)

Huge thanks to Masahiro "Godspeed" Aoki (@Godspeed_ViViX) for his stunning guitar performance as well as Katali (@_Katali_) for their amazing violin performance!

Special thanks to Yan-K (@YanKMW) for guiding me through After Effect’s technical quirks and coding the input display system for me! Furthermore, for providing critical and comprehensive feedback in motion design and video editing!

Special thanks to Cy for writing the world setting, dialogues, discussing the initial game design with me, as well as providing input throughout the entire process!

Special thanks to Draugnut (@Draugnut) for not only lending me his OCs for cameo (Yu-li, Milo, Anila, and Hugo) as well as providing feedbacks on the illustrations and assets! On top of that, for drawing an extra easter egg illustration!

Special thanks to Firce777 (@Firce777) for designing a fun and challenging rhythm game chart for taiko!

Special thanks to YOU! For taking the time to watch our hard work (´,,•ω•,,)♡

這首歌是Ice(@ice_loki)去年送我的生日禮物。過去這一年多,我們不斷地擴張製作規模,目前這已經成為我們人生中做過最大規模的企劃了。我們的最終目標是讓這首曲子與美術能同時被收錄在許多音樂遊戲裡(。ò ∀ ó。)

非常感謝 Masahiro "Godspeed" Aoki (@Godspeed_ViViX)的精湛的吉他演出,以及Katali (@_Katali_)優美的小提琴演出!

特別感謝 Yan-K (@YanKMW)細心帶領我瞭解After Effects的各種技術細節,甚至還特地為我寫了輸入指令的顯示系統。除此之外,他在動態設計以及剪接上也提供了非常多深入且關鍵的建議!


特別感謝爪 (@Draugnut)不僅同意讓他家的角色們在這支影片中客串登場(Yu-li, Milo, Anila和Hugo),還特地繪製了一張精美的彩蛋賀圖。另一方面,他在插畫及影片素材方面也提供了許多實用的回饋。

特別感謝 Firce777 (@Firce777)配合作品主題提供了充滿巧思的太鼓遊戲譜面!


✨Impression period for BOF:NT is now open! Remember to only vote on an entry once you've checked out its BMS charts! ❤

Our link for voting (Must use web version and not mobile): https://manbow.nothing.sh/event/event.cgi?action=More_def&num=429&event=142

To make an impression:

1. Click the 「インプレッションフォームを表示する」 tab near "Post Short Impression",

2. Fill in your handle name, email, a score (max 1000),

3. Write a few words of comments in the "Impression" field,

4. Check the "Oath" that you have played the work on a proper game client, and there you go!




1. 點開Post Short Impression那邊「インプレッションフォームを表示する」,

2. 填上名字(網名就可),email,分數(上限1000),

3. 在Impression那邊簡單寫一兩句評語,

4. 打勾Oath確認有玩過作品就可以了!



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