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✨More machine juicing (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)💦💦💦

Btw, the fact that Our Toy got second highest vote without any accumulated vote is scary(尺v尺)

Below are the vote accumulation statistics:

✨更多機械榨精 (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)💦💦💦

順帶一提,Our Toy沒有任何累積票數還是拿了第二名真的有夠令人害怕的(尺v尺)


1. 【Part-Time Job】 - 0

2. 【Be Quiet!】 - 13

3. 【Newbie】 - 26

4. 【Our Toy】 - 13

5. 【Accident】 - 0

6. 【Character Setting | 角色設定】 - 18

7. 【Watch & Learn】 - 24

8. 【?】 - 34

✨I took a break from FANBOX in August, but my month turned out to be super busy anyway xd. My only family trip was cancelled due to typhoon and dengue outbreak. Let's see what I've done in August!


✨I spent a lot of time improving my 3D (Blender) skill! It turned out to be very useful in creating the 80,000 event's promotional material!

Also, wouldn't it be awesome if there's a bed made out of vibrator? Just pull down the foreskin of a shota and tie them face-down on the bed (´,,-ω-,,) Anyway, I might finish this doodle this month if I have the time ✧~(ゝᴗ ∂ )


話說,你不覺得拿按摩棒做成床很色嗎?把一個底迪的包皮推開後,將他面朝下綁在床上(´,,-ω-,,) 如果這個月還有時間的話我就把這小塗鴉給畫完 ✧~(ゝᴗ ∂ )

Aile: "My friend got ill, I want an illustration to cheer him up, help him get out of the hospital faster"

Me: "So you wanna help your friend get out of the hospital faster?"

Aile: "Yep"

My Brain:





✨A little doodle for my mom ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ Character design based on her MapleStory character

✨給我媽的小塗鴉 ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 角色設計取自她楓之谷內的形象

✨A WIP doodle for Aile's birthday!



✨The 80,000 temperature sensitive card you guys have been waiting for is finally finished! ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪

Please look at this page for more information on how to receive one, alternatively, you may choose to participate in the giveaway raffle on Twitter!

✨期待已久的80,000感溫卡片終於完成啦! ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪






Happy to see you're back and you had a productive month off 😊. The vibrating bed is a great idea, look forward to seeing the doodle 😁


Thanks firefox (づ˶> ᵕ < ︎˶)づ❤︎ Although the vibrating bed won't be practical at all in real life, I definitely wanna lay on one 🙏🥵


Come to think of it 🤔 Wasn't there a vibrating bed in one of The Sims games? 😂


嘛 天氣這回事就是很難預測的 下次選在沒颱風的日子吧·


Hmm.. was that really a month break off for you? But happy to see, you got many things done without having to always produce for us. I am happy to have you back here in the saddle again :)


To be really honest, it's not a break at all in terms of work, but surely a break from Fanbox XD! Thank you for your warm welcome back, feels right at home seeing the frequent commenters showing up once again (づ˶> ᵕ < ︎˶)づ❤︎


Sorry to hear that you couldn't fully enjoy your break as intended but either way I'm glad the break as able to help even if it was just a little. Definitely excited to see more of your amazing art so welcome back I definitely missed ya this past month!


The break definitely helped to ease my workload nontheless! I missed you guys too <3 ε(○´∀`)зε(´∀`●)з


Family trip cancelled? 😭 no Sand! That was really bad luck, but don't worry, I'm sure something good will come soon 💜 Welcome back too, hope September is more relaxing for you 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。


Yeah, I was really looking forward to that trip especially because my brother also came back to Taiwan for it ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ) Welcome to the club too, Johlus! 👏(*'∀'*)


Sorry to hear about the family trip being cancelled (。 ́︿ ̀。) That hospital picture is hilarious though xD


I really miss the foods there (´;ω;`) Definitely not a good idea to make me give well-wishes to others XDD


Suggestion for future polling results: Also show what the prompt was for the suggestion that won that month's poll. Mainly because I forget what the prompts were by the time the month is over 😅


Ah yes I should. I will usually give a brief description, but I definitely forgot it this time XD The prompt this time is "More machine semen juicing"


沃 是Blender 我現在也在頭痛搞建模:3


我Blender有點用上癮,科技感的建模推薦玩玩看免費版的Kit-OPS 發現用Grease pencil生背景線稿真的好方便⁽⁽ଘ( ˙꒳˙ )ଓ⁾⁾


哇呜,怎么没有无码的了 T — T

