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  • Be Quiet! pt7 L2D.mp4



Concept | 概念

Duty Boy working as the librarian while having sex with Orbi 🤔

The most common and immediate image in my mind would be Orbi giving Duty Boy oral sex under the table. But that's too unoriginal for me, so I later thought of doing a "standing jockey" position (similar to Newbie Part 6). However, I've learned from Newbie (Part 6) that this position doesn't fulfill the viewer's gaze (since you can't really see the back nor the abs); hence, will perform badly on social media.

Given how much I love armpits and the torso, I want a position where I can have both 🥵! After messing around in 3D, this was the idea I came up with: Orbi stepping on the backside of a glass table while squeezing Duty Boy with his cheeks! I thought this idea is quite clever since it will definitely make the feet-fetish community happy too, and I don't think anyone has done something like this before (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


最常見也最先在我腦中出現的畫面是Orbi在桌子下幫值日生口交,但這對我來說太老套了,所以我原本想要做一個站立騎乘(standing jockey)的姿勢(類似於Newbie Part 6)。不過我從Newbie (Part 6)學到的教訓是這姿勢不太能滿足讀者的眼睛(畢竟同時無法看清楚背也看不清楚腹肌),因此成效其實不好。

我想說我這麼喜歡腋下跟軀幹,該來選一個能兩個都看到的姿勢🥵!在3D內實驗了一下後,我想到的是這個:Orbi踩在玻璃桌的背面,同時一直用屁屁擠壓值日生!我覺得這個點子挺聰明的(自己講),因為同時也能滿足足控的要求,而我也沒看過有人畫這樣的玩法 (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Draft | 草稿

Special thanks to 【小翔】, twain04's boy【Tobe】, Steinn's boy【Nils】, and 【Yalen】's back (?) for cameo!

Since it's a magical library, I guess it's fine to have more fantastical character design :3c

Yes, the freckled boy from Accident series is also from this school (?

特別感謝【小翔】、twain04 家的【Tobe】、Steinn家的【Nils】、以及【犽連】的背影(?)來參加這次的客串!



Obligatory top-down view ( ・ω・)☞

I will make cloth toggle an option

必要的俯瞰視角( ・ω・)☞


Ambient Occlusion | 閉塞陰影

Lighting | 二分

Lighting for this was rather difficult since there are actually two lights competing for attention. The library is lit mostly with natural sunlight (coming from the right), but I wanted to make Duty Boy the focus, so there's an extra spotlight in the middle, creating a bit of a comedic and dramatic effect which will be suitable for the dialogue I plan to implement.


Base Color | 底色

Colored Draft | 草稿上色

Although the books in the back are just placeholders for now, I'm purposefully increasing the information-load on the right side of the screen in order to draw the attention to the left side.

I've also lowered the contrast of the surrounding to better draw contrast towards the center.



Compositional Fixes | 構圖修正

Corrected many of the proportional issue.

Added a fire-extinguisher beside Orbi. This is to increase the contrast of Orbi's silhouette, and since it's the only vibrant red object in the scene, it should hopefully draw the viewer's attention there.



Fixed feet shape to make it more appealing ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

為了讓腳更香於是修正了腳的形狀∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Rendering (Main Characters) | 細修(主角)

Rendering (Side Characters) | 細修(配角)

Rendering (Background) | 細修(背景)

Really trying to get that glass texture right ( ‘-ωก̀ )

Added even more light rays on the right side of the illustration to lower its contrast once again

很努力想把玻璃的材質搞定 ( ‘-ωก̀ )


I wanted to invite @Draugnut to cameo with another book, but he said he doesn't have any other books to add. Therefore, with his permission, I quickly made this book for him XD (Title translation: Draugnut's Beautiful Feet Encyclopedia)

我想再次邀請 @爪爪 來客串放書,但他說他沒有別的書可以放了,於是經他的同意,我為他簡單設計了這個封面XD

I also invited YRAC (@yracyrac) for book cameo! As you might've noticed, I changed the background's book color a little so that it better matches the color of his book :3


Post-Processing | 後製

I'm still waiting for one more mysterious guest to finish their book cover. Other than that, it's time to ask for Draugnut's opinion and take a break! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

還在等待最後一位神秘的客串嘉賓完成他們的書本封面,除此之外都完成啦!是時候問爪爪的意見喘口氣休息了 ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Draugnut's Suggestion | 爪爪的建議

I told @Draugnut that I felt like the composition is lacking clarity a bit, he recommended making the contrast on the focal area even stronger, while also making the background darker. He said he loves the feet on glass table idea (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡

On another note, @Mikkoukun is the final mysterious guest! He submitted a Camp Buddy book cover to be added into the library, super honored to have him with us ✌('ω'✌ )三✌('ω')✌三( ✌'ω')✌

我跟 @爪爪 說我覺得構圖有點雜,元素太多有沒有辦法讓畫面更好讀。他建議我讓主要焦點的對比更強烈,同時也把背景調得更暗一些。同時他也說他很喜歡腳踩在透明桌子的點子 (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡

另外,@Mikkoukun 是另一位神秘嘉賓!他投稿了Camp Buddy的封面來放進圖書館內,他願意加入我們真的超榮幸的啦✌('ω'✌ )三✌('ω')✌三( ✌'ω')✌

There were fixes for the oblique's perspective and the way the right elbow is shaded looks much better now! I was too concerned with the bone structure, and ended up making the elbow looked too bony. There were also fixes to the right pectoral muiscle to better reflect the arm being raised up.

Most importantly, he pointed out that my adductor is visible, which it shouldn't really be when looked from the back. Time for animation (´ωˋ )


最重要的是,他指出我大腿內側的內收肌太過於明顯,從背面看不該這麼明顯,因此大幅修剪了。是時候來做動畫啦 (´ωˋ )

Live2D Parameters | Live2D 參數

Be Quiet! pt7 L2D

There's not a lot of parameter this time compared to my other works. But there's quite an extensive focus on the foot region. I have separated the contact point of the foot from the rest of the foot so that I can better control its shape, which turned out quite well :3.







New meaning to "Working hard" Ba dum tiss


( 'ω'o[ 贊助廠商 ]o 此圖書館由Ġrapes科技有限公司贊助建造


天呐,眼前突然出现一张orbi的俯瞰图,直接给我看| ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ了


這次的點子也有戳到你嗎?太好了太好了(〃'▽'〃) 在考慮要不要弄個曬痕差分🤔


Working your ass off taken literally ^^


How are you guys so good with sex puns like these XDD Also, thanks for your cameo!


Working so hard for us again... thanks Sand and thanks Duty Boy and Orbi... So good to have them back once more. This WIP is veeeery promising again... can't wait to see them all in the finished work! Nice idea!


It's one of those talents you don't wanna brag about :) And thanks that you actually used him


Wonderful perspective. If you let your imagination run wild, you could make a hole on the other side for Orbi's head. Orbi could make the customer happy at the same time!


Well, feel free to make puns all you want here ⁽⁽ଘ( ˙꒳˙ )ଓ⁾⁾


Thank you Shinji 👀! It's been so long since we last have Duty Boy! I should make him cameo other series more :3c


Thank you MowgliSan! In other series, I think it's something I'd love Orbi doing. But since this series, "Be Quiet", is all about doing naughty things in secret, I guess it'll be too conspicuous XD


I would love that.. I really fell for these two, but especially for Duty Boy I have a place in my heart... well and always for his "maker", too...


Absolutely amazing! Definitely wasn't expecting this concept though I'm glad it's what ended up being made. I love how different and creative it is compared to everything else you would find. Despite knowing you're usually an amazing and creative artist you always seem to amaze me and everyone else each month with your work! Definitely going to be looking forward to the final product! <3


(*´ч ` *) awww thank you Videogames! Despite not having foot fetish myself, I'm very proud of the concept for this month too! I'm also considering making the top-down view illustration a looping gif animation (っ`・ω・´)っ


I first learn the idea from this guy XD https://twitter.com/yracyrac/status/1646418078463594503