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Here are the voting results for last month:


※Green bar is the accumulated votes from previous months

This month I want to survey people's opinion on a new voting system that is suggested by a lovely long time reader, please be sure to vote this month and let me know what you think(。ò ∀ ó。)

Below are the vote accumulation statistics:


這個月我想調查大家對於新的投票系統的點子的看法,這個點子是由某位長期關注的讀者投稿的,希望大家這個月投票告訴我你的看法(。ò ∀ ó。)


1. 【Part-Time Job】 - 3

2. 【Be Quiet!】 - 11

3. 【Newbie】 - 32

4. 【Our Toy】 - 0

5. 【Accident】 - 9

6. 【Character Setting | 角色設定】 - 44

7. 【Watch & Learn】 - 23

8. 【New】 - 4

Do you agree that winner of every month's poll should have 1 month cool-down period where it cannot be voted? E.g., if "Accident" won last month, this month it cannot be voted, but next month it can be voted again.

This ensures that no series will win twice in a row, and should help with less popular series getting more attention! I want to thank the reader that recommended this (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡ Be sure to let me know your thought in this month's polling!


這可以確保不會有任何系列連續贏,同時也能幫助較不受歡迎的系列獲得更多關注!感謝提出這個建議的讀者(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡ 請在這個月的投票告訴我你的看法!

✨It's my good friend @Draugnut's birthday TODAY! You might be familiar with his name as he frequently shows up in my WIP posts giving me really useful suggestion on ways to improve my artwork. Hopefully this animation shows how much I treasure having him in my life (〃∀〃)ゞ!

✨今天是友人 爪爪 的生日!他的名字很常出現在我的過程文內,經常給我很多非常專業有用的意見來提升我的作品水準。希望這動畫足以表達我多重視這個貴人(〃∀〃)ゞ!

✨This month is also my bf's birthday! You may know him as Mutoh, the red hair boy from "Our Toy" series. I will post the full illustration once I'm done XD

✨這個月也有我男友的生日!他就是武藤,那個「Our Toy」系列中的紅髮男孩,等完成後我會再貼出成品的XD







It was a close race this month. I agree with the cooldown idea, helps for a better rotation of the series. And Happy Birthday to Mutoh 🎂🎉






Yeah, it's super close. I'm scared by how Accident gets 39 votes already (・ω´・ ) Huge thanks to the reader that recommended the idea ><




在Accident系列出現之前Our Toy是我最受歡迎的系列的說www 有趣的是Our Toy Part1其實就是某年他的生日禮物(???? 有關於你投票內的留言,本子我會努力生產的!目前想先完成Atohs的MV再來弄本子><!


Ah, I thought this would finally be the time Character Setting won lol. I like the idea of cooldown, but could unpopular series start with accumulation votes after their cooldown month? Might be an extra bump they need to not be gone for so long.


Yeah, it has been very close for quite a few months already... May I know what you mean by "unpopular series start with accumulation votes after their cooldown month"? Do you mean unpopular series don't lose their accumulated votes after they've won?


In a way, yeah. Like Our Toy just won with 35 accumulated votes, so it would go on cooldown then come back with 5 or so votes already... Depending on how long of a hiatus it's been on. Now that I explain it, it seems kinda overly complicated xD


Indeed XD It would be rather difficult to implement, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless


Oh my... too much input for one post... memory overload... Must still compute that beautiful Mutoh-picture above.. But I really would appreciate to reduce the possible votes. Like in olden days when they said for music: This song was now 5 times up, he can no longer be voted ... Because we should please not again get more of the "or toy" series.. I would love Character Setting, too.. Or even some new things.. maybe even just some cute Christmas renders without heavy action? Thanks for all your work, mate. I still admire the nice card :)


Ah, I was wondering where you went ><! It seems like you're not a big fan of Our Toy series? I try my best to make the voting system give every series a chance without doing forced rotations (else there'll be no point of voting), which is why there's the accumulation system and now proposing the cooldown. I'm sorry if Our Toy is not your cup of tea, I'm experimenting with new format in this part, I hope you'll enjoy the new changes even if it's just a little bit ;w;


Well, we had 11 sequels of using a poor boy as a sex slave. That in my eyes is enough. It‘s okay for one, two scenes.. but well, some nice Sand and Mutoh would be cute for now.. well you asked above if you should change the voting system and my opinion is, that a story with 11 sequels can rest a bit.. but you know that most of what you do is loved by me.. i am just a bit tired of that f-business… 😝🫂🥰


I think most of my settings are about poor boys being sex slaves just with different variations XDDDD. The reason why there's 11 sequels is because it's also one of the oldest series I have. The last part (Part 10) is actually half a year ago in June already, compared to the frequency of Accident series, it's pretty okay, but that's just my opinion. Either way, be sure to vote so that your opinion on the voting system cooldown can be counted!