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  • Live2D Parameters.mp4



※All characters created are ≥ 18 years old

※No characters are harmed during creation, all sexual behaviors are consensual, please treat them with care (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)



Draft | 草稿

Here's a quick 3D render in Blender for me to use as a reference :3c


Since it'll most likely be animated, I've decided to draw out every overlapped piece that may be shown. I will explain the concept for this part below where it's a lil less messy XD


Masking | 劃分區域

As we learn from last part, the unnamed boy with freckle is very much turned on by Orbi being lewd, so the genius scientists thought: "Hey, why not make him do Orbi instead for maximum efficiency?" Hence this sequel was born ლ(◕ω◕ლ)

What is the unnamed boy sitting on? It's a modified concept of a horse riding machine, the user not only gets extensive anal massages, but also gets forced to constantly penetrate whatever they're humping, in this case, Orbi :3c. Once the machine detects orgasm reflex, it'll retract, allowing for cum collection.

On the other hand, Orbi enjoys a slime masturbation cup that moves on its own; it's advanced technology, don't ask (??

The plant tentacle tube will be attracted by the scent of semen and wrap around the source of semen, juicing out every last drop while stimulating the owner's urethra. I want to challenge myself to make the plant spin while grasping onto the penis, but it may be too difficult to execute(´;ω;`).


這無名男孩坐在什麼上呢?是個改造過的騎馬機點子,使用者不只會接受前列腺的按摩還會被強迫對他眼前的東西抽插,而這次對象則是Orbi :3c。一旦機器偵測到高潮反射,它則會往後拔出,讓精液能被採集。



Lighting | 光影

Colored Draft | 顏色草稿

I intentionally try to control the color in a way that only the focal points are vibrant, while the rest of the places are almost dull for contrast purposes.


Perspective Fix | 透視修正

Orbi was floating for some reason, I had to drag him back down XD


Line Tracing | 描線

I experiment to only retrace the lines for focal regions (basically just the heads, penis, and the plant) to see if this makes the finished piece feel more refined.


Rendering (Main Characters) | 細修(主角)

This step was 1.5 day of work ˊˇˋ. I really enjoy how lewd Orbi's posture is, being forced to open up his crotch and armpits, while getting juiced and pounded uncontrollably. How much I wish I was in that setting (*´ч ` *)

這步驟就花了1.5天的工作時間ˊˇˋ。我真的覺得Orbi這姿勢超色,被強制張開胯下及腋下,同時被不可控地榨精跟頂飛,真希望自己也能在這種設定內啊(*´ч ` *)

Rendering (Background) | 細修(背景)

I don't exactly have good idea for things to hide in the background, so I basically added many tanks of semen that Ġrapes have stored (?)

The extra seat in the background is there to hint that the unnamed boy is sitting on a dildo, but we just can't see it.



Post Processing | 後製

My Photoshop was kinda broken throughout this piece as it was displaying colors incorrectly for no apparent reason. Everything was showing up very unsaturated inside Photoshop, but when viewed outside, it was super saturated. Originally I thought it was merely a matter of different color profile, but it turns out it was Photoshop's issue... I only noticed it at this stage, so I tried my best to save the piece by color correcting a bit.

我的Photoshop在這次的創作過程好像壞了,顏色顯示有明顯的偏差。在Photoshop內看都很和諧且不飽和,但是一存檔出來看就明顯變得超飽和。一開始我以為單純是Color Profile的差異而已,結果深入探究後才發現真的是Photoshop在搞… 我在這時才意識到問題,所以只能盡量透過後製來修正顏色

Here's a version without Orbi for those of you who are into him (?


Draugnut's Suggestion | 爪爪的建議

@Draugnut helped me point out some of the perspective and proportional issues! For example, Orbi's neck should be showing less to better convince the audience of the perspective, also the unnamed boy's leg should be longer. The anatomy of the armpit was also modified :3c

@爪爪 這次幫我點出了一些透視和比例的問題!例如Orbi的脖子該顯示少一點,這個角度這樣比較有說服力,無名男孩的大腿原本也太短。同時腋下的肌肉解剖也有稍微調整:3c

Live2D Parameters

Live2D Parameters

Since this animation involved two characters interacting with each other, the animation is wayyyyy more time consuming than anything I've done in the past. In the future, I should probably try automate them more by setting up more physics functions (currently only hair has physics).

I'm quite happy with how the flower can both suck and rotate when being closed, it was something that I wasn't sure if I could achieve before I began making it (´ωˋ )


整體來講我對於花能夠吸、轉、開合挺滿意的,在開始做之前自己還不確定是否能做出來的說 (´ωˋ )

One thing I experimented with this time is using "Blendshape" function to correct deformation. It is quite time consuming when correcting a mesh that already have many parameters attached. My knowledge is mostly learned from this video and I think it works quite well, though, I don't think I've fully gotten the hang of it XD





Sand Suna, how do you manage always to look into my darkest parts of my mind and pull out pictures that in your hand become so wonderful. Here I can imagine both positions, so your picture is again highly identifiable for me… although it is just a wip it is again starting out perfect. Thanks!


Oooo. This is better than I was picturing from the voting prompt. I was expecting them to be in different machines side-by-side. You're idea is a lot better than my imagination haha. Look forward to the full release


Wow, what a lovely and quite devilish idea 😻 It really arouses my voyeuristic side and I can't wait to see the final result. Although I was a bit disappointed that Accident won again at first 🥰




Wow, what a wild concept! Haha. I look forward to the final result, fantastic as always


Thank you (*´ω`)人(´ω`*)! As usual, I simply draw out things that turn me on, this concept made me wet just thinking about brainstorming its possibilities (⁄ ͡⁄°⁄ ͜ʖ ͡⁄°⁄ )


Awesome <3! I was intentionally making the prompt a lil vaguer this time so maybe it'll attract less attention, but I was totally wrong XDD This series is too strong


Although I was also secretly rooting for other series (especially Newbie), but hey, I cannot say I'm disappointed after how my penis gave away my honest reaction (〃゚3゚〃)






Very creative and definitely a huge turn on for me! Can't wait for the finished product to come to life and make all of us extremely horny xD


Thank you 🥰 Unfortunately I've test positive for the past couple of days and is still unable to make progress yet 😣