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✨Part 4: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/3041963

✨Part 3: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/2621475

✨Part 2: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/2291523

✨Part 1: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84679058

※All characters created are ≥ 18 years old

※No characters are harmed during creation, all sexual behaviors are consensual, please treat them with care (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)



Note: I'm being forced to censor the contents due to FANBOX's policy, sorry for the inconvenience. I am also not allowed to distribute the uncensored version in any form or way on FANBOX.


Unrelated Stuff 1 | 毫無相關的東西1:https://puu.sh/GmVXR/c120ea0611.jpg?qtxrt_cu=68&mskl_=TW92aW5nVG9DYW1wc2l0ZWh0dHBzOi8vZHJpdmUuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9kcml2ZS91LzAvZm9sZGVycy8xbXI4Ym1pa2dVMXd2aFhXQW1IQ0VtRlVWVWdtUU9RcE4=

Unrelated Stuff 2 | 毫無相關的東西2:https://masklink.boniatillo.com/

An Odd Word | 一個怪怪的字:MovingToCampsite

Original | 原版

"Move faster, have you any idea how far the campsite is?"

"I'm so gonna dump all my loads in him when we finally get there"



"If that vibrator slips out one more time, I swear we're going to make you suffer even more"


"You guys sure are giving his hole a nice workout"


"I said keep moving"

"Everytime you poke him, his dick twitches like crazy, how cute"

"Tighten the rope around his dick man"




"Did you just leak again from that? What a horny toy"

"Keep your dick up like a real man" *stretches*



"Haha, I knew he couldn't hold it anymore"

"What was that, the 8th time today?"



"20 bucks says he can still cum"




"p-please stop… I can't cum anymore…"

"Shut up, if I lose, I'll make sure you pay for it"

「拜-拜託住手… 我真的不能再射了…」


"Was that..."

"That was squirting, doesn't count. You owe me 20 haha"

"Useless piece of meat, you'll pay for it when we reach the campsite"




Hardcore (On) | 重口(On)

"Move faster, have you any idea how far the campsite is?"

"I'm so gonna dump all my loads in him when we finally get there"



"If that vibrator slips out one more time, I swear we're going to make you suffer even more"


"You guys sure are giving his hole a nice workout"


"I said keep moving"

"Everytime you poke him, his dick twitches like crazy, how cute"

"Tighten the rope around his dick man"




"Did you just leak again from that? What a horny toy"

"Keep your dick up like a real man" *stretches*



"Haha, I knew he couldn't hold it anymore"

"What was that, the 8th time today?"



"20 bucks says he can still cum"




"mhmm!! mhmph!"

"Shut up, if I lose, I'll make sure you pay for it"



"Was that..."

"That was squirting, doesn't count. You owe me 20 haha"

"Useless piece of meat, you'll pay for it when we reach the campsite"




With Text (EN/ZH) | 含字(英文/中文)

There are too many files! It'll probably crash some people's browser if I post everything ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ). The version with text is inside the "uncensored folder". Please refer to the tutorial here, and you will be able to access the file. If you have any trouble accessing the file, please do let me know in DM!

檔案太多啦!如果全部都上傳的話應該會讓某些人的瀏覽器燒壞 ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )。含字的版本放在「無碼資料夾」中,請見這邊的教學以獲得該檔案。如果檔案取得上遇到問題的話請私訊聯絡我!

Remember to vote on next month's illustration using the link below!



embed: forms.gle

Here's a lil doodle I made recently :3c





I am first!




I'm glad he gets his own boots at least! ^^


The boots boi has arrived! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˙꒳˙ )ଓ⁾⁾ Everyone gets a pair of boots!!


Just fabulous! 🙌 🔥 💦💦💦 Great idea to draw his head in the bottom corner 💯






This is even better than your „teaser“ lately.. mmmhh… what a thought to be in his place… ;) you made a nice story out of it now. Thanks for the great work!


And thank you for supporting (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄) ! Can't wait till the day when we reach the campsite (?


I think the campsite will top everything. He will be so exhausted but totally horny.. oh wow.. I really envy him for that feeling.. where is the door into your world?




If I knew where the door to enter my door is I would've already entered it (´;ω;`)


I guess so.. but well.. I can’t even explain, what you did here, but you made it possible, that I want to be a toy boy.. phew.. I never thought of that - so maybe we are already en route to your little kingdom? Hmmm…


Well, this part is not for me. I just hope for the next.


Hopefully next part will suit your taste more! Still appreciate you showing up despite not being your cup of tea ><!


It may not have been my cup of tea but I still loaded it down. Gotta keep the collection complete ;)