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✌('ω'✌ )三✌('ω')✌三( ✌'ω')✌

10000 Giveaway Soon! | 10000 抽獎快準備好了!

This is to celebrate 10,000 follower on Pixiv! The giveaway will be conducted on my Twitter, so stay tuned for more update >w

這次抽獎是為了慶祝Pixiv上達到10,000跟隨者!抽獎會在我的推特上舉辦,有興趣的可以多關注喔 >w<!

Sorry that I'm not very good with traditional medium, I even redrew one of them from scratch already qwq...


I'm actually very anxious about this whole thing, very scared that people who follow me for NSFW things won't like these, resulting in a lack of participation. I can't do anything NSFW either cause Taiwan's postal service wouldn't accept them...


I spent a great deal of time and money on these, really hope you guys will like them ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

我花了不少時間和成本在這上面,真心希望大家會喜歡( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

✌('ω'✌ )三✌('ω')✌三( ✌'ω')✌

Please use the window/link below for voting!

Keep in mind that you could always change your selection any time during the voting period!



Google Form: 1FAIpQLSdJ7P-DGcraMOfv0BHd8hp3oOaHuA3GTglwLtrfye0WxI7DJA


Here is the voting results for last month:


Thank you for supporting!


(Google Forms)




For various reason I am not going to enter the giveaway... :*( But I really, really like to tell you that the prizes are super gorgeous and cute! You know despite the fact that I am quite obsessed with NSFW stuff, I actually enjoy SFW arts very much - perhaps more than I enjoy NSFW drawings. If fate allows me to possess them one day, they will be priceless treasures to me, for r.e.a.l!


It's okay, I understand ;w; May I know what the reason might be? Is it because this will require you to provide me your contact detail (address/name), or is it not convenient to keep at home? If possible, I would really like to know ><, feel free to tell me privately in PM too!