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"ah❤︎ ah❤︎ ah❤︎~"

"sh-shutup, I don't wanna get caught!"

「啊❤︎ 啊❤︎ 啊❤︎~」


"「あ❤︎ あっ❤︎ あぁ❤︎~」



※All characters created are ≥ 18 years old

※No characters are harmed during creation, all sexual behaviors are consensual, please treat them with care (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)



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Original | 原版

With Tan line | 曬痕

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This illustration is made possible with huge FANBOX support from 【syo233215】& 【Toothless】👀

特別感謝【syo233215】& 【Toothless】在FANBOX上的大力支持👀




Well done. Love how you illustrated the boy's cock!


Did he just creampied...? If so, whose used condom is it on the soap dispenser...? XD By the way I'd really like to see each of the boys given a name... Xb But then even if you intend to do so, take your time. These gorgeous boys deserve more than some cheesy names.


First time: "okay, if we're going to do this, we gotta be really safe and use protective measures" Second time: "𝐵𝑅𝐸𝐸𝒟 𝑀𝐸" I am terrible at naming things too, just look at my own name XDD


That's naughty but sweet :) I am sure both the boys are in fact not promiscuous at all and carry no nasty diseases - so just enjoy it to the fullest!! lol No seriously, Sand is quite okay. It is, first of all, memorable, and secondly it doesn't mean anything funny. (FYI: Hong Kongers are said to be the people who have the most weird English names. I am just glad that my parents have chosen a biblical one for me.) What is Suna by the way?


That's the thing about drawings, there are no risks involve in doing anything that would otherwise be risky in real life! The condom is purely for decoration and plot development purpose XD Hmm, my experience in HKU do tell me that Hong Konger's name are not intuitive in pronunciation. Sand is actually short for Sandgodoven, which is another long story. While, "Suna" is just the Japanese translation for "Sand" www, I need it for sites that require full name such as Facebook


Oh right... "not intuitive in pronunciation"? Have our young people gone that far o_0? I've heard about this phenomenon but actually never experienced it personally. In my age group most people still got a normal English name... In fact all my schoolmate friends have normal name that you definitely know how to pronounce - Jeffrey, Jeniffer, Steve, Stephanie, Peter, Patricia etc.


Yes, most of them have an "English name" like you suggested, same for me. But when Mandarin or Cantonese name gets directly translated into English, they are usually quite non-intuitive to pronounce (including my name)


Oh I see I see. You mean names like Chan Tai Man, Li Ka Shing, Yeung Tsz Shan etc. names like that. I thought you were talking about the phenomenon described in this article: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/10/hong-kong-loves-weird-english-names/263103/ That's another story. The thing you've mentioned is due to the lack of a single officially recognised system of Cantonese Romantisation. XD Neither the British colonists nor the local Hong Kongers ever bothered about it or found it a problem in our life - but it may slightly troubles foreigners who come here and try to learn Cantonese. How good is your Cantonese by the way? I am just curious. ^ ^


Oh ww Well, Taiwan's Mandarin Romantisation is also fucked up, like 中壢 can be spelled as Zhongli, Jongli, Jhongli, Chungli, it's dumb My Cantonese is absolute trash, like I only know a few basic words together with swear words (which is essential (?))


Hahahahaha Hong Kongers and Cantonese people do have a strong complex with swear words... The good variety of Cantonese swear words and the exceptional flexibility in their usage make them quite fun to play with. 屌佢班冚家剷打靶仔老母個臭閪,仆你個臭街日撚日淨係識撚得教鳩沙子講埋啲濕鳩粗口乜乜柒柒,教撚壞晒人! (那些人天天淨是教沙子説些髒話甚麼的,教壞人家!) 嘩,原鳩來都已撚經成一鳩幾點咁撚夜,我都係去瞓撚覺先啦,屌。 (啊,原來都已經一點多這麼夜了,我還是先睡覺了。) ...Some may find this way of talking funny :b But then I guess for the sake of language teaching this does nothing good other than further confusing a learner's confused mind. Goodnight 晚安沙子~


wwww for swear words I only know the basics, such as 仆街、屌你老母、收皮. I actually can't read Cantonese characters too XD It's also interesting how Hong Konger say "這麼夜了" when we usually say "這麼晚了" in Taiwan Well, good night (´ωˋ )//