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please check the discord for the megalink!




Fantastic to see Chloe and Ice Bear taking their love to a higher, more-intimate level. Lovely mixture of pleasure and worry on her flushed, sweaty face as she squirms in ecstasy & discomfort. Good thing that this part of him isn't too huge for her to handle, yet still pretty impressive that his bearmaker is holding all of her weight; the way he's cradling her as she loosely tries to grasp him is adorable. Lovely job on the rest of her aroused little body as Ice Bear grunts his way to completion. I wonder what shade of red Celesse turned when she saw that. ;) Good thing she and the bear (Does he have a name yet?) had taken their bath beforehand so that she could be her bubbly self. The nervous girl's wide-eyed stare makes her crush even cuter, and even better that there's still a bit of ambiguity about whether the half-asleep girl (Ava?) just happens to be tempting her friend or if she's just waking up to a new and beautiful realization. Thanks for the loving sweetness & romance.