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Hey there! I hope everyone's doing alright. Guess what? I just finished making my very first animation complete with sounds and voice. Shoutout to all you supporters – I really hope you dig it!

Animation GIFT:

So, the main character is Noa-chan from Wataten. Oh, and by the way, I'm thinking about whipping up animations for Hana-chan and Hinata-chan too.

Let's get real – putting this together was a bunch of work. Even though the video's just a quick 9 seconds (yeah, I know, not long at all), it took a good chunk of time. But you know what? I picked up a ton about how this whole animation thing works. So, next time around, I'm gonna be even better at it. By the way, finding the right sound effects was a bit of a puzzle.

If you wanna see these characters in action too, I'd be super grateful if you'd consider throwing some support my way. Making this animation gobbled up more than two weeks of my life, so your support would seriously mean a lot.


I've mixed things up a bit with the Fanbox rewards to add more variety and cool stuff.

I'm planning to drop a bunch of animation content right here on Fanbox, so I hope you're into that. I'll also be sharing work-in-progress stuff and all that jazz.

The mini commission option is now set at 700 yen. Turns out it takes me a bit more time than I thought, so to avoid drowning in commissions, I bumped up the price. Hope that makes sense to you.

I'm gonna kick off some tutorials on how to sketch adorable little girls with oji-san. Hope you're all about this kind of content.

If you want the uncensored version of the video, you can catch it on Ko-Fi.

Oh, and I'm totally gonna lean on your input for new characters. You know how it is – sometimes I'm scratching my head about what to draw. So, I'm banking on you in those moments.

Well, that's the lowdown for now! And don't forget, we've got a Discord going on. If you've got any questions, I'll be right there to give you the scoop.


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