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COMMISSION. It's been years since I made one of these, and I think the jump to Visual Novel Maker helped streamline both the development and performance. THIS BUILD IS FOR WINDOWS x64 ONLY. No Mac or other builds for now because I don't know what export settings to use or how people would even run it, since I don't have any other systems to test it on. READ THE README FILE FOR INSTRUCTIONS. This will also be an exception to my "commissions go out for free later" rule, as I spent a lot of time on this and wouldn't feel right giving it out for free. ==== Yang Xiao Long © Monty Oum. Artwork by Nitropunk Arts.




Downloads are in the 'Download Links' post at the top of my pixivFANBOX page. This post can be found in the 'September 2022' section.


Hey! Hope you're doing well. I noticed that this wasn't located in the September 2022 section of the downloads anymore, where I believe it was previously. (I'm not sure how pixiv messages work so i am unsure if you saw that, so I thought I'd repost here just in case.) Was wondering if this was an intentional change, and if not. Could it be re-added? Thank you in advance!


No problem! Thank you for getting back so soon! (was asleep, sorry for the late reply) Have a good rest of your day!