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更新遅くなって申し訳ないです! 前回個々に載せたコミケの進捗の続きになります! 最後の1枚は表紙用にカラーで描こうと思ってたんですが 時間がなくて描けなかったイラストになります。 本自体はすでに完成しているので明日か明後日には pxivboothで予約を開始したいと思いますのでしばしお待ちください! 発送はおそらく年明け1月3~4日くらいになると思います。 https://ssioboy.booth.pm/ Sorry for the late update! These are a continuation of the doujinshi progress I posted here last time! The last one is an illustration that I was unable to draw in color for the cover. Since the doujinshi is already completed, I would like to start pre-ordering it on pxivbooth tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. please wait for a moment!I think I will probably be able to ship it around January 3rd or 4th of the new year.




Looks good. Is there a possibility of your doujinshi being available digitally in the future? I understand if the answer is no, but I was curious.


Thank you for the answer, I'll look forward to it!