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Mt.レディちゃんの進捗です! どんな構図で描くか迷いましたが、今回はヴィランに敗北した後 街中で脳無に後ろから突かれている感じで描こうかなと思います。 体を大きく仰け反らせながら後ろから突かれてる態勢は 結構好きなんですよね~(挿入部分が見えないのが欠点ですが・・) あと、今回は差分をいくつか用意する予定です。 楽しみにしててください! 25日が近づいてきましたが、psdデータの配布に関して 明日くらいにdiscordのお知らせに載せますので 気になる方はチェックしてみて下さいね! discordはこちらのurlから参加できます。まだの方はこちらからどうぞ! https://discord.gg/CMCvb28h(7日間有効) This is the wip of defeated Mt.Lady. I considered what kind of composition to draw. I'm thinking of drawing with this kind of composition that she is raped by force from behind after she was defeated by the villain In the city. I like to draw a dog-style, having sex from behind while leaning back. (The disadvantage is that the joints are not visible, but ...) Also, I plan to prepare some differences this time. Please look forward to! The 25th is approaching. Regarding distribution of psd data I will post it on my discord notice about tomorrow. If you are interested, please check it out! You can join my discord from this url. If you haven't done so yet, please click here! https://discord.gg/CMCvb28h(Valid for 7 days)
