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twitterのアンケートにて見事1位になりましたバブルガールちゃんです。 漫画では気づかなかったんですけど この娘青肌なんですよね~。 久々の青肌キャラが脳に染み渡って良き・・・。 今回はバブルガールちゃんには後ろから抑え込まれて がつがつ突っ込まれる感じで描いてみることにします。 完成までしばしお待ちくださいませ!! The girl I draw this time is Bubble girl who ranked first in my twitter survey. I was reading the manga and didn't notice but when I watched the anime I noticed that this girl had blue skin!! I like blue-skinned girls so I'm very happy to be able to draw for the first time in a while. This time I will draw her as if she was being raped by being held down by force. Please wait for a while until this illustration is completed!!



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