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The rough sketch is finished!

There was a lot of feedback from the last work that the chest shape was weird, so I came back to the previous one~

And seeing that I haven't suspended yet, I don't think this much of a picture is an issue with Pixiv!!

There's a week left until Christmas I really hope you all have a great Christmas!!!

Thank you for always supporting me!




クリスマスまであと一週間ですね~ 皆さんも楽しいクリスマスをお過ごしください。





Going my this rough alone they all look great, and Mainz looks really good too! I'm looking forward to see the completed version!


お久しぶりです!! 先生の描くダクネス…楽しみすぎる😍😍 今のところ先生や牛乳仙人さんの活動が停止されてないようで本当に安心するとともに良かったです🙌😭 来年やこれからもお変わりなくあなた方をFANBOX・pixiv等で応援し続けていくつもりなのでこれからもよろしくです🙏😌 先生も良きクリスマスを過ごしてください🎅 今回もお疲れ様です🍵


Teacher, you have worked hard too. I hope there is a suggestion that can be used as a reference. Although the number of likes wins (understandable) and the content is good, I hope to give opportunities to those who really win less. Everyone has a chance ( I hope that there will be no empty talk later). You have your own considerations I accept and support every day

Breezy Steel

First Harbin! Now Saint Louis! Let's go! Now I need is Azama, Drake, and Aegir, and I'll be set! That said, I still wished Manjuu would give Mainz a skin soon...


Very nicely drawn as usual, chest shape wasn't bad last time but I see why people pointed it out because it seemed unusual for those characters, its looking good as of this moment.


This time, girl's face is drawn really beautifully! Please wait a little bit


私も停止されなくてよかったと思います!! そしてこの前少し残念だっただけに今回は本当にきれいに描かれたようです!! 今年一年間お世話になりました!!!


I reflected on myself a lot, too~ So I drew it pretty this time!