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Tutorial Play

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PW : 123456

Hello, I'm Pow!

I'm sure a lot of people were surprised because I didn't post recently.

I am also very sorry for being late.

We're looking forward to open the game test build we made at the same time

The above game is a tutorial dungeon, a boss battle, and a building with an improved village map updated!!

This is a posting related to the play contents I told you about last time!

Continue - Village map and Housing

New - Tutorial.

I hope you enjoy it!!!

And the long-awaited nsfw picture rough will be uploaded tomorrow!

Thank you so much for always supporting us!







Continue - 村の地図と住宅

New - チュートリアル。







It sure has come a long way, it was quite enjoyable to play through, I did encounter some really weird bug with building placement but I have no idea how to replicate it, so until I figure that out I'll say no more. Though I have to say that having to press escape to access the inventory is a slight downgrade (in my opinion obviously) and there should be PC button prompts, in this case, Q and E to swap between menu and inventory. I also have an idea as I was fighting the monsters, what about adding a plunging attack to certain weapons, like the greatsword where you deal damage around you when you land and maybe knock up weaker enemies? And maybe give the sword and shield the ability to block one attack at the cost of stamina to reduce the attacks damage (maybe even make it riposte?) Just two ideas I had when fighting the enemies and the boss, but good work! I look forward to the next playtest as always~!


コメント遅れましたが、映像と画像を見させて頂いた感じ素晴らしいですね!!😳😳😳 本格的なRPGっぽくて自分としてはめちゃくちゃ楽しみです👏👏 あなたがお元気ならこちらも嬉しいです😁 最近天候も不安定ですし、体調も崩れやすくなっています。 気をつけて下さいね🥺 今回もお疲れ様です🍵😌


コメント全然遅くなかったです!! 毎度本当にありがとうございます。~~ ゲームはキャラクターに集中する計画です。 ゲーム関連イラストもいっぱいアップロードします。~~ そして健康はですね。 一生懸命回復しています!! 最近暑くなってきている分、'かくちゃん'さんも健康に気をつけてください!!! 毎度ありがとうございます!!!


I didn't know I could get this good feedback! Thank you so much for playing. The bug related to the building is being fixed hard. However, it is planned to develop further later. We will fix the issue related to the inventory button soon. Because there were many opinions that it was inconvenient within us. And I think special attacks are a really good idea!!! Since there are a lot of attacks from high places, we will make good use of them!!!! The boss match... Honestly, it's amazing! Because a lot of people didn't get there. Wasn't the Boss attack too strong? We will make further improvements about balance in the next build. Thank you so much for today!


I think the boss was fine honestly, he hits fairly hard but he also have a pretty easy pattern to him, though you could probably add in a healing potion before the fight to ensure that people will actually have time to observe and learn the pattern