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[Game Dev]

[Request Works]

-50~90% Done

It's been a long time no see! A lot of people were wondering if I was alive, And I'm alive!

I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting so long, and I'll tell you what I've done this month!

First of all, game development has finally started working on the game content!

In the meantime, I've rarely shown you how to play games, but I'm finally able to show you!

Next is the Request work!

One is already done, and the other is about half done!

If I finish these two within this month, I think I'll be almost done.

I sincerely apologize for not hearing from you in such a long time, and we will release a great work soon!!

本当にお久しぶりです. 多くの方々が私が生きているのか気になってたんでしょうね。 私は生きています。










Breezy Steel

First things first, welcome back! I saw the Gray Haven tutorial, and the game looks like a pretty fun hack and slash. That being said, I was on the fence about the chibi models when I first saw them, but I quickly enjoyed what I saw once the gameplay and the character interaction throughout the video. Also, is it me or does Yelan's right foot look very limp in you fan requested illustration?


That Yelan is looking good, I'm sure the wolves had a great time haha, look forward to seeing it all soon!


As usual with the sudden drop of activity on fanbox I was getting worried that something might have happened, glad thats not the case! The wips looks great (Yelan looks fantastic already!) And Im also happy to see more progress on the game~!


お久しぶりです!! POWさんがお元気そうなら何よりです🙌😆 遂にコンテンツ作業ですか?!😳 動画拝見しましたが、順調に進行されてるようで非常に楽しみでございます😌 リクエスト絵に関してもほぼほぼ完成に向かってるようで待ちきれないですね、6月残りも楽しみだ🥰👍 今回も数々の大変な作業、お疲れ様です✨ 暑くなってきましたが、健康に気をつけて頂いて7月もよろしくお願いします👋


It all looks great 👍 take your time 🥰👌


game is looking good!!!!!!!!!


次の7月はもっと早い作業になるでしょう。 ゲームも9月には基本的なコンテンツができそうです。 雨がたくさん降ります。 雨と暑さにお気をつけて来月には元気にお会いしたいです。[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*


The police investigation and the court's ruling have come out, so I don't think they'll be taken anymore. And the drawing is done nicely, so please enjoy it ^^


The wolf is coming now!!! But I think I'll have to wait another day. But you'll be able to see it soon!


Yes, I'm back safely. My game is equipped with Hack & slash, love, and housing system! English and Japanese support will be applied by the end of this year And the Art is done beautifully, and the additional scene will be done soon ~~~!!!!