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The last Origin that gave me a hard time was finally completed! Since it's been delayed for a week, I'm going to start producing very fast tempo this month. Starting today, I will start producing the winning requests, and the exclusive request event for 'BurgerKing' Tier and 'whopper meal' Tier will begin tomorrow! Also, as I posted last month, you can only view the works of the last 6 months at Junior Tier. In addition, I'm planning to strengthen compensation for 'whopper meal' Tier as well as 'BurgerKing' Tier. Lastly, the mega link has been changed, so please check it again! It was hard to complete, but thanks to your support, I was able to complete it well. Thank you for support me!! // 私を苦しめたラストオリジンがついに完成しました! 一週間も遅れた分、今月はとても早いテンポで作品制作に入る予定です。 本日よりリクエスト優勝作品の制作を開始し、バーガーキングティアとワッパーミルティア専用リクエストイベントは明日より始まります! また、先月告知したように、もうジュニアティアではここ6ヶ月の作品しか閲覧できません。 そしてバーガーキングだけでなく、ワッパーミルティア専用の報酬をさらに強化する計画です。 最後にメガリンクが変更されましたので、必ずもう一度ご確認ください! 完成は難しかったですが、皆さんの応援のおかげで無事完成できました。 これからもたくさんの応援をお願いします。 2020 Hi-res Files : https://mega.nz/folder/iJN3GAAT#uYUR9LERSfKoK7WH0Um52Q 7+ Rewards : https://powzin.fanbox.cc/posts/1361705 15+ Rewards : https://powzin.fanbox.cc/posts/1361697




This came out very good wow


Fantastic work as always~, But I have to say that I overhyped myself a bit. It's not entirely what I thought it would end up looking like, but that's my problem! Looking forward to the upcoming request event roughs~!

樞仔(Hentai Rat)

Wooooow! Birth show! I love it. !! Take my money bro! And it is the best artwork!!!


oh,Sensei's paintings are still high quality. I'm satisfied……(往 生)


임신 x레이+출산 정말 다 좋은데, 새끼가 말이 아닌거 하나만 살짝 아쉽네요


Don't know where to ask this but is the 2020 Hi-res Files mega link down? If so could you please reupload?


The High Res files link does not work.