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It was deleted because of the censorship of the genital image........ Fan box censorship is too much!




Other artists censor way less and don't get deleted. Either you were just unlucky or someone snitched on you... Fantia is way too strict on censorship though.


subscribestar or patreon are other options that may work. Subscribestar is probably best because they have very few restrictions.


or you may also want to use gumroad to upload packs of uncensored ones people can purchase. I am unsure if they have censorship at all.


Patreon is no-go. Their staff is like super anti-anime. Even non-loli and non-nude/non-lewd gets banned these days. subscribestar and gumroad subscriptions (yes, gumroad has this service too) are basically the options artists recently tend to use. No censorship enforcement which is mostly a Japan thing (thanks to us Westerners). Personally, I'd gladly like to pay 20$ for a pack of all his illustrations up to this day if fully uncensored.


구글 드라이브 같은 곳에 올린 뒤에 다운로드 링크를 올리는 것도 괜찮을지도..?


I agree that fanbox censorship is annoying. Perhaps provide download links in the form of a catbox.moe link or something similar?


id kill for uncensored versions, and a very good piece!