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Mega.nz deleted my account and all arts, animations, etc. They are no longer available on all the links in all the posts.

I'll try to upload everything as quickly as possible. If you can recommend the best service for pedo art, please let me know.




Since there will be always people who like to report you i can only suggest change the filesharing serviece every time! Switch between multiple to not lose everything!


True. But unfortunately, it gives me a lot of extra work... I would like to find something more trustworthy.


There's catbox or uploadir... although, I now of at least one person who had their stuff removed from catbox, despite plenty of other people still using it. Likewise, I know of a small handful of people who had their mega account deleted, and simply started a new one. You can post your art to baraag or to atf, but you won't get paid by doing so. Wherever you decide to upload to, you may want to start with just your 2022 art so as not to draw attention to a massive file collection


Thank you. Unfortunately this is my second mega account, and it was paid, so I definitely will not go back there. Catbox or uploadir services are not very reliable and not really convenient. I most likely plan to use Google Drive and a few other file stores at once.


Some Artists i follow are using: - Mega, with With password protected archives -Chatbox for Individual, uncensored images -https://ufile.io the links are Password protected, and the rar files too In any case, I would only use encrypted archives. You write down the password in the fan box Post. That works reliably.


Thanks. I'm definitely not going back to mega, it's not the first time they've deleted my account. I'll think about the rest. Creating archives isn't a bad option, but it's very inconvenient... People will have to download the archive and enter the password, which is quite difficult, especially for those who use a smartphones.


Oh no, I haven't backed up anything for the past few months! :(


Don't worry, I will restore everything, I have a lot of backups.😋


recent ones I've downloaded from that werent terrible download speeds, used https://anonfiles.com/ terms and conditions has generic "AnonFiles administrators has the right to remove and/or permanently ban file content they find inappropriate." https://mixdrop.co/ funny enough says no animal cruelty in tos but nothing about minors still has generic ban any content. https://pixeldrain.com/ this auto deleted unviewed files after 30 days. But if its not account based. best advice is to password lock a zip as then mega/file hosters cannot easily see the work to determine if its inappropriate


mega -- For all other types of illegal or abusive material that you wish to report, you should email [not going to help dumbos with email address], providing us the full link, with its encryption key, along with a clear description of the nature of the material you are reporting. but either way if someone wants to report they can just share archive password


Some idiot reported it! Maybe unhappy because too few dogs fucked Alice, or someone unhappy because the girls put on too much latex. I want to kill the idiot!


This is honestly the best thing to do. Don't understand Mega, they bother some artists but don't bother others who have the same content.