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[Remote Sex] x [Futanari] x [Closed Room] x [Cumflation] = Destruction!! 💪(`ᾥ’) 243 Total Pages : [https://seiekibote.fanbox.cc/posts/7536193] 124 Story Pages : [https://seiekibote.fanbox.cc/posts/7536364] [Afterword] Hello, Kawahagitei here ٩(๑❛ᾥ❛๑)۶ This time I wanted to draw Kawahagi Mizuki, the poster girl. 🖌(`ᾥ’*) Her partner is also an original character, Ryuusui Shiori-chan. It's her second appearance since her debut in [Denshanai Kozukuri]. The stage itself is one of the self-study stalls that their school library provides... They're a bit cramped, aren't they? (foreshadowing) (* ΄ ิᾥ΄ ิ *)ムフフ… Shiori-chan was writing some smut as usual while relaxing in her stall, but before she knew it she was already asleep. It would be really unfortunate if a huge dick and loads of semen suddenly teleported in her womb, wouldn't it... I ended up making the cumflation size bigger than normal when compared to the space Shiori is in. Let's hope that the stall can contain her growing tummy ( ΄ ิᾥ΄ ิ ) 日本語版『魔法のオナホ(生)』 ⇨ https://seiekibote.fanbox.cc/posts/7470978



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