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coming Feburary the pledges will be raise

and uncensored work will be handle as followed

you will DM me proof you are the teir and email to be sent a link to the archived works

100Y pledge will be removed and replace with 200Y

current 200Y will be changed to 500Y

current 500Y will be changed to 1000Y

PLEASE make sure you make the switch Feburary

and to dm me your proof of tier to be sent a emailed link to uncensored works




That's a whole lot of work you are asking of people who are already giving you money just to access your uncensored and archived content lmao


realizing the site already sorts the pledges on top of that fanbox doesn't allow links to uncensored works


Is there another way to do this? You're making it more inconvenient to get the content AND you're doubling the price (almost triple for the 200y tier). That's bad for us in every way.