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Otto's balls were cut into thin slices. The killer moved the knife slowly enjoying the sight of Otto's agony. The slices of testicles were placed on a plate and the killer seasoned them with pepper.


“Your raw balls are soft and delicious. It is very creamy and has a nice saltiness.” The serial killer said as he ate Otto's thinly sliced testicles. Otto was moaning, his face contorted in suffering and despair as he watched the sight of his balls, which had been fine until yesterday, being chopped up and eaten by a stranger.

"你的生睾丸很柔软,很好吃。它非常细腻,有一种很好的咸味" 连环杀手边说边吃着奥托切成薄片的睾丸。奥托在呻吟,他的脸因痛苦和绝望而扭曲,因为他看着自己的蛋蛋,直到昨天还好好的,被一个陌生人切开吃掉的景象。

“Well, I'll let you off. You should be grateful that I'm going to end up right now without making you suffer more. After that, I'm going to play with your body.” The serial killer grabbed a knife and stood up leaving behind Otto's testicles, which he was eating. “Don’t do it! Don’t kill me!” Otto's pleas for his life were futile. He was decapitated letting out a low groan.

"好吧,我就放过你了。你应该感谢我现在就要结束了,没有让你遭受更多的痛苦。之后,我就要玩弄你的身体了" 连环杀手抓起一把刀,站了起来,留下了奥托的睾丸,他正在吃。"不要这样做!不要杀我!" 奥托的生命恳求是徒劳的。他被斩首后发出一声低沉的呻吟。

The serial killer made Otto's detached head suck on Otto's own cock. Then, strangely enough, Otto's torso jerked and ejaculated. A large amount of semen dripped from the cut surface of Otto's head. Otto looked to be tasting his own cock watching the pieces of his balls on the plate in ecstasy.





Absolutely beautiful! Loved the posthumous cum.