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Hey! just wanted to let everyone know that this December will be a bit slower with no big animations, although i'll still be releasing some renders to celebrate Christmas and others quick ideas i had in mind, like this klee dogeza! The main reason is that i'll be moving and this time i have to figure out everything by myself which will take a bit of time (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) i expect it will take a good 2 weeks of this month, right after that i'll be spending the holidays in my parents house so there goes another week tldr: i have only a week to actually work on animating hope you guys understand, and i promise in January i'll come back with full force (´,,•ω•,,)♡




hope your move isn't too stressful and you have a good holiday time with your family! 🥰


good luck with your move :>


take your time friend rest well after your move hope you have a good time at your folks as well :)


Take your time friend. The quality of your work is worth the wait! I hope all goes well with the move and happy holidays!


That is adorable. And don't worry just get yurself settled. This will be the first Christmas since my mother passed away in September. So have some family time and treasure them please.