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Base card : Durandal (Shibal) https://www.pixiv.net/users/54175376 Please read the Readme file. thank you *If the screen flickers after replacing the ppe setting, press F1 to open the plug-in option, and then change the setting as shown in the picture above. If you don't know something, please send me a private message.*




can you make seperate video versions? like your last video, make seperate videos for each outfit? thank you! <3

ワサビくん (WSB)

Some scenes seem to be flickering after pasting the PostProcessing file in the zip.


Could you please check the post again? I edited the article.


hi may i know where to find this BepinEX and config folders?, i only see a photo and org.BepinEX file after extract it


aah i see, sorry about asking this, when i see some of your readme file there is telling how to use BepinEX and there is also mention Koikatsu, what is koikatsu?, i do some search what it is and it shown it is a game.. all i need to do is just download koikatsu and not something else right?


You can import it through koikatsu studio, not koikatsu. It's not sunshine.


no video this month? :(


Thank you for always being interested 😿 Actually, I'm worried that I'm in a slump because I don't like everything I've made recently. Sorry for not meeting your expectations 😿😿


can i get the full img of each scence or video's thumbnails? quite attracted by the thumbnails,and i dont play the game,so cant take screen shot from the scence card


I think it will be difficult to send you the previous Thumbnails because they were deleted right after uploading them. But next time thumbnails also upload images. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

ทด สอบ

I still don't understand how to use this program 😭😭


Are you talking about the post processing effect? Or are you talking about Koikatsu studio?


It can be very difficult if you are just starting out. You can get information from the koikatsu community, so check it out. https://discord.gg/DKJpbbez


can you tell me how to use this png?my thanks by mentally


In the PostProcessingEffects plugin, the Antialiasing setting value must be set to FAA to resolve the screen flickering error.