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It is a very graphic story, be advised if you can't stand extreme gore, skip it, or read just the intro. It's my fictional Scifi dystopian world story, any resemblances to any real events aren't intentional, I'm trying my best to avoid linking to any real-world event but still deliver this crazy world as best as I could. English is not my native language, so please bear with me. :D Now let's start.

It was 6pm in ward number 6 of New Harbour, The Empire’s capital, a warm evening, the sun was still up over this huge sprawling megalopolis, over 80% of the world population lived in this city.

After centuries of rises and falls of many nations.The world was left with a single state, totalitarian empire, controlling all assets and lives of its global civilization. The city was surrounded by huge walls, 100 meters high circling around its 200km diameter circle of perfectly flat land in the middle of the deserted continent. Inside the large circle, the city was divided into smaller wards, 50 of them are hexagonal sections divided by smaller walls of 10 meters in height. There were farming areas, industrial areas, and resident areas, only the center ward, number 00, is the offices of The Empires’ government, it’s the highly secure area with intense security measures, the oasis of green roofs and colorful glass buildings surrounded by run-down wards with monotone concrete and steel buildings around it.

Outside of this city was desert that was impossible to grow anything safe for consumption, as most areas were covered with radioactive dusts from many wars before, there were efforts to clean up valuable areas by The Empire, but those area were always protected by smallers faction that was formerly a country, or even town that still have cultures from long gone days. They didn’t want to be merge with this mindless society of The Empire that merely live for sex and pleasures and stupid hornor to serve the Empress and her princes. The reason why The Empires still survived was because their economy never collapsed, with advanced prosthetic and medical expertise, they never ran short of active population, all body parts got collected to be re-use or put together into more people or bio-machines, its endless loop of human parts recycling just make getting old an alien concept for them.

The sun was setting, as a backdrop against the sharp skylines of thousands of skyscrapers, on the foreground, was a woman in her early 30’s sitting in the corner of a room in a hospital. She had light brown hairs tied into a shoulder length ponytail, leaving some bangs on her front and side to cover her large forehead, on her nose sat a pair of square red semi-rimmed glasses, behind the glasses were blue eyes that went wide after she read something on the letter she have just recieved. Normally, nobody in The Empires uses letters for anything, except some really important businesses to avoid hackers and surveillance, so she was already prepared for some important news, but not this.

She immediately folded the letter and put it back in the envelope, quickly hiding it in her briefcase. She stood up with goosebumps and took a deep breath, standing motionless for a full minute before turning away from her desk and called it a day, exiting her office, closing the door in silence.

The electronic sign in front of the door reads “Dr.Rina Wise - Gynaecologist” (Gynecologists are doctors who specialize in women's health, with a focus on the female reproductive system.) She was the expert in the field, publishing various papers on female reproductive systems modification, lately she have found out the successful method to culture fetuses into birth outside of a human body, a big breakthrough in The Empire’s research communities. Her paper on the first trial on the dead's womb with a living fetus saved and kept alive with feeding tubes and circulatory fluids until its birth had gained a lot of interest from The Empire’s military. They see it as the cheap human producing machine, ideal for creating more workers and soldiers.

Dr.Rina walked quickly through dimmed large hallways of her office’s floor, the sound of her heels hitting the tiles echoing through the hall, as most other workers already went home, it was clear sharp sound, her short, black skirt with side openings was flapping a bit, revealing her underwear. Her top, a white shirt with wide cleavage cutout showed her breasts filled with 900cc implants bouncing in her black tight bras. The left breast had her ID QR and barcode with her name along it, while the right breast had a pink medic symbol on it. It is mandatory for workers of all professions to have their name display on the breasts. It is easy for visual scanners to pick them up with the wide surveillance network of The Empire, anyone without ID code and embedded chip in them would get alarmed by the system as an unknown person.

The identifying chip on elite females such as Dr.Rina were located around their vaginal canal as a flexible C-shaped ring grabbing onto it connected to an interface screen sitting above the navel area under her skin. It kept track of all sex activities and their health which were constantly get scanned by the scanners. The ring needs to be charged daily with a wireless charger under their bed or dildo for fast charging. If the signals were lost for longer than 24 hours, it would trigger a lost person report to the authority to check if they’re still visible on the surveillance system, it was mandatory by their law, even in private space. The other use was if a female had sex with a male without a chip in their phallus, it would also report to the authority for rape or as they had sex with a non Empire person. This was also the reason they need to constantly use The Empire’s approved sex toy, to make sure the transmitter send out daily report to the system correctly, this ensured Empire’s people have a safe sex life, as anyone with any deceases could be easily detected and keep track of in almost realtime.

She got into a glass elevator and was scanned by the elevator's camera and chip scanner, the system registered the latest information with her current picture into it.

“Name:Dr.Rina Wise

Age: 32y 153d 3hr 10m 22s

Blood type: AB

Diseases: -

Heart rate: 78bpm

Last meal: aprox.4 hours before

Periods: ovulation expected in 2 days

Last penetration: 25hrs 3m 05s [1033 strokes, ejaculated inside] [Male:Richard Wise]

ID number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“Nice..” A male operator in the ward number 6 surveillance system center said while rubbing his chin.

“Wow, her husband was insane, I wanna see their actions.” Another operator licked her lips while scrolling through Dr.Rina’s file to find the record of her video from last night.

“Stop it, you brats!” The manager said while slapping them on the heads with her pen seeing they were not checking incoming information that were now flooding their queue.

“Oh, sorry madam”.. The male said. Then they all get back to their work, they were there to check if the information contradicts anything or not, looking for any anomaly when the picture doesn’t match the infos, they still need people checking on them even with their computerized system. The Empire’s AI technology was really limited as they put most resources into bio-tech, they spent more effort in creating bio-computers which were still in development during her time, trying to utilize the best brains into a living AI. So the AI tech was not that impressive.

Dr.Rina reached her car, a small sport electric car, the world was depleted of a she got in and drove home in speeds, despite highly advanced technology of automated transports, she opted for driving herself as she didn’t trust anyone apart from her husband as she had learnt throughout years of working treating people of various harms caused by The Empire’s government, directly and indirectly, she’ve seen too much. Any opposition would get bullied, prosecuted or even put to death by the state, she hated herself for knowing too much, instead of a happy life in ignorance of the poor lower classes, her wards being the most corrupted had taken tolls on her mental health, the most recent attack by the rebels on a technical college in the 6th ward still haunted her, more than a hundred bodies were identified, as lack of rescuer and medical staffs were always happening, she had to help with treatments and identifying bodies and parts. All were sent to a corpse processing facility, to be scanned and identified, and sorting out usable parts from unusable parts. She never knew what exactly went on in those processes, she only works in pre-sorting and preparing them for transport, drenching them in special preservant fluids that kept them from decomposition and contamination. They were all packed neatly in sterile boxes, almost 4 truck loads of them. That had become the routine for her once in a while every month. She didn't know why the rebels didn’t attack any medical facilities, maybe it’s not the time, or maybe they have morals, she never knew.

After not so long drive, she got home, really eager to see her lover, Dr.Richard, he was another doctor working in a private clinic, his clinic was located just a few minutes walk near their house. The house, looking from the narrow 2-way street in front presented itself as a cold concrete blocky looking house with 3 stories and a few small windows, it was very narrow. The width only fitted one car width with only a bit of space left to walk in or out, so they had to stacked up their cars in their own house with a moving floor parking system. She drove in as she pressed the remote opening the folding door. Her lover seemed to be not home yet, so she let the moving floor move her car upward, making room for her husband to park later.

She went up and is cautiously checking the surveillance cameras, she knows where the camera blindspots are, as by The Empires’ building regulations, they need surveillance cameras in every room, they need to point at the doors, to check who was going where all the time. She wanted to read that letter again but wanted to do so in the safest place, away from anyone peeking into it. Dr.Rina sat down in her bedroom corner, reading the letter. It reads “You are now hired, please show this letter at the elevator number 7 in our main lobby floor 1 on day 2 of week 23 of the year 560, at 10:00:00, you would be taken in for our last interview.” The letter was from The Imperial Institute of Medical Research, the most prestigious place to work for the medical staff of The Empire. She was so excited, but she feared that other factions might have their eyes on The Empire surveillance system, so her paranoia just kept her playing safe in all the trivia matters as she wasn’t born in the normal Empires world, she was raised in the slum, having no surveillance at all, she was quite concerned about her privacy, a strange breed of people in The Empire.

She prepared for dinner but noticed her lover still wasn’t back, she called him but no answer, checking on her Comchatm an online chat app, she didn’t get an answer as well, that alarmed her and put a shiver on her spine. “Something happened? My honey..noo” Dr.Rina ran out to her husband’s workplace, along the way she imagined all the possible nightmares that could happen in her pessimistic worldview. She reached the clinic, it’s a rundown building with stainless steel facades, looks like a huge machine, it was a prosthetic repair shop that was very popular with the lower classes of the ward, she ran inside through the front door.

Opening the door in a big thud, she saw corpses scattered all around the waiting room of the clinic, there were 4 bodies in her vision, 2 near the front door and 2 on the waiting bench, and possibly more behind the counter, but she couldn’t see clearly. She shouted “Richard, are you there!!???”, she cried, tear drops formed and dripped down her cheek. She walked past the first body on the floor, almost stepping on the guts that leaked out, it was a woman with all prosthetic limbs, she was dead, with a messy cut on her pelvic area, maybe this is their first time cutting someone? Another beside it was a man, with a prosthetic arm, his head was gone and his gland and stomach was gone from high power slug shots, she can see a pair of testicles near it. She looked to her right, there were 2 girls on the bench, one of them had no heads and the other one was missing her left breast, there were traces of silicone implants on the ground with a nipple near it. Both girls had their belly cut open, and she saw some strange clean cuts that left their pubic regions missing. “Did they steal their genitals? it can’t be!!” She felt the dread, questioning if her research had ended up creating this mess as people are now trying to get their hands on selling reproductive systems on the black market? Please don’t be it.

She walked near the counter and was shocked, extra shocked, she fell on her knees in disbelief, her husband laid there, his reproductive system gone, unlike that first guy near the door, his whole thing was huge, maybe that was why they took it, not that one. His eyes went up in his skull, with a gaping wound on his chest from a gunshot, there was no way she could save him as her first action was trying to bring him up to life with an artificial heart and any drugs stored in this clinic, it didn’t work as his blood had already become cold and clogged up arteries. She called the police and hugged his corpse, holding hands for a while, thinking about sweet time together, she didn’t care one bit about his guts and blood staining her, she just sat there until the police arrived, she kissed him last goodbye and let the authority take over.

She was appointed by an investigator from the central ward as this was an unusual case, she didn’t answer many questions as she was heartbroken and did nothing for days. Despite getting the best job ever in the next month as her reward for those researches, she now questioned herself if she was the cause of this mess, if she didn’t make such breeding process possible in her time, there wouldn't be that attack to take the genitals of those people in the clinic. She was more relieved when the chief of police of the local station had consoled her to think that if it wasn’t her, someone else might still do it and things wouldn’t go too differently, she was out of it but still sad with her husband's death. There was no funeral, it’s an alien concept for The Empire people, they only got the corpses processed for re-use in other people, she had to buy back the processed corpse of her husband if she wanted to hold a funeral or kept a part with her, unclaimed parts or whole corpses would be sold by The Empire’s government and use by many private companies. The process was now finished after 4 days of sorrow, she had to visited the facility to buy back the corpse. She thought about what to do, and it excited her.

She arrived at the front of the building, it looked like a factory, a death factory, she presented herself to the scanner and gained access. Dr.Rina then pressed some buttons on the lines of terminals in the lobby. She made payment of a huge sum to buy back whole corpse of her husband, completed with the best grade of preservation fluids with a circulatory system that can keep the body fresh for decades. She was blank on what to do with it, she had hope of bringing him back to life, even slightest, it’s a strange concept to buy back the dead, but she had no choice, she just wanted a memento and something to not get lonely, and some hope, even little hope. She went home and stared at his body for almost an hour, she was now determined to get her husband a revenge, her heart was full of fire, angery, rebellions, all sorts of feelings were mixed in her messed up mind, she want to know who killed him, was it the state? Was it the rebels? Was it some kind of mafias? So many questions, she now think she should hire her own private detective.

The story continues in the next chapter next week, stay tuned. :D

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Great story, keep it up :)